Bad sleep affects intelligence. What to do with poor sleep? 8 tips

09:55, January 24, 2018 Hualong
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The quality of sleep has a direct impact on the health of the human body. If a person is trapped in a state of poor sleep quality for a long time, it is bound to cause some trouble and disease to his body. Especially for children who are in a critical period of growth and development, good sleep quality will help children grow up healthily, and bad sleep status will hinder children's growth and development, In serious cases, it may also affect the child's weight, height and intellectual development.

Especially for babies aged five months, six months, seven months to two years old, sleep problems are the top priority. So, what should I do if my baby doesn't sleep well? How should mothers correct and guide? You should know that once a baby's bad habits are formed, it needs certain methods and time to correct them. What methods can help him improve his sleep quality and help him develop good sleep habits? The methods and techniques are listed below. Let's learn together.

   What should I do if my baby sleeps badly?

1. Adapt to the baby's physiological clock: The baby has been sleeping for 3 months before birth. At this time, parents must not change the sleep time. They should feed the baby on time according to the baby's physiological clock and sleep on time. This is the basic way to develop correct sleep habits.

2. Don't sleep immediately after breast-feeding: after 3 months of birth, the baby's physiological clock gradually has a regular pattern, but it is difficult to cultivate the habit of sleeping alone at this period. In addition, do not sleep immediately after breast-feeding, so it is best to play with your baby after breast-feeding.

3. Feed or sleep regularly: after 3 months of birth, the baby sleeps for about 14 hours every day, 12 hours of which sleep at night. At this time, the number of waking up at night gradually decreases, and you can take two or three naps during the day. During this period, the mother should regularly feed or coax the baby to sleep. In daily life, we should go to bed on time, and we should fully feed before waking up at night.

4. Create a sense of tranquility: The human body secretes a large amount of hormones that promote sleep and help growth in a dark environment. Therefore, at night, mothers may as well keep only small lights on in the baby's room to try to maintain a dark, quiet and comfortable feeling at home. In the dark environment, it can secrete the most sleep hormones. At the same time, it can also let the baby gradually have the cognition of night. Slowly develop the habit of doing activities in the daytime and resting at night, and then gradually adjust the baby's physiological clock to a normal state.

5. Keep proper temperature: It is very important to keep proper temperature for the baby to sleep safely. When the baby puts on clothes and goes to bed, the mother should pay attention to the baby's temperature as long as the body does not feel too hot or cold. The mother can touch the baby's body with her hands. If the baby is not sweating, the body is warm but not cold, which means the temperature is suitable.

6. Daytime play: parents may want to play some light and pleasant music or broadcast some radio and other sounds to the baby during the day. At the same time, the mother can also talk to the baby more during the day time, or play with the baby more. In addition to consuming the baby's energy and sleeping soundly at night, it can also make the baby feel the daytime.

7. Massage the baby: various pats and massages can help calm the baby, but do not massage his stomach before four weeks old, avoid the spine and avoid using nut oil such as almond oil.

8. Listen to music: rhythmic sounds or music can help soothe newborns, and even the buzz of washing machines or vacuum cleaners can help calm some babies.

   Analysis of the causes of poor sleep:

1. Calcium deficiency

Babies who lack calcium in their bodies must not sleep well, so many babies have poor sleep, and parents will think about whether the baby's body is calcium deficient. Indeed, the lack of calcium in the body will affect the development of the nervous system, and the baby will naturally have a bad sleep.

2. Scared and overexcited

Many babies will not show it when they are too frightened. They will often wake up and cry in a day or two later. The baby is both curious and afraid of the world, so excessive fright will show up in sleep. Babies are active, so some behaviors before sleep often make them overexcited. Even if they fall asleep, they will wake up soon.

3. Other reasons

The baby's crying and making noise while sleeping may also be due to other reasons, such as hunger, clothes, too much quilt, wet diapers or tight diapers; In fact, children's poor sleep is also related to changes in daily life. For example, going out, sleeping irregularly, moving to a new house with new nannies and strangers may affect the sleep quality of children.

The quality of baby's sleep is related to many factors in life. The above analysis explains three main reasons, such as: baby's calcium deficiency, baby's being frightened, overexcited, or other reasons (hunger, wet urine, too many pants, too noisy sleeping environment, etc.). Mothers need to make specific analysis according to the specific situation to correct and guide.

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