Three Ways to Promote Baby's Brain Development

06:30, December 24, 2017 Hualong
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Everyone wants their baby to be intelligent and clever. They have tried to develop his intelligence since childhood, but have you mastered the method correctly? If you don't know how to develop your baby's intelligence, let's take a look at these three tips.

   First move, appropriate information stimulation is necessary

From the time a child is still a baby, it is necessary to talk with him appropriately. Research in recent decades has found that there are hundreds of millions of cells in the human brain, and one tenth of them are very active. Each active brain cell has more than 20000 branches, which are connected with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of brain cells to transmit information. Early perception and exercise, such as smiling, touching and arranging small rooms for children, will help to establish these information connections. The development of nerve cells will play a good role in promoting children's intellectual development.

   Second, enlighten with vivid language

As children grow older, the cultivation of children will move from concrete to abstract.

Try to use integrity when educating your children. The language of image is helpful to the cultivation of children's perception ability. For example, "we drink yogurt every day", "books are used for reading", "chopsticks are used for eating", etc., through vivid, novel and vivid words, to promote his understanding and memory, sprout the image association of children, and mobilize the imagination of freedom and innocence.

   Third move: simultaneous development of left and right brain

The human brain is divided into left and right parts, which have different functions, that is, left and right brain.

The right brain is responsible for processing image thinking, such as music, pictures, imagination, etc. The use of the left eye, left ear, left hand and left foot will help to exert their functions and promote the development of the right brain. Therefore, children seldom use their right brain when learning, and the best way to develop their right brain intelligence is to cultivate their painting ability, manual labor and physical training. Do more simple to complex, passive to active movements; It is also necessary to consciously stimulate infants to grasp, grasp, pinch, throw, catch, clap, run, jump and other movements, especially to train their fine movements of hands and feet to promote cerebellar development and balance.

We should cultivate children in a scientific way. Even if we develop one percent more potential, we will surpass those children who have superior talent but inferior education. Therefore, good education of parents can enable children with excellent talents to give full play to their talents, and can also make up for the deficiency of children with less talent to develop their potential.

When a child is one year old, attention should be paid to the cultivation of vision. For example, the color, size and shape of objects; When you are two years old, you should cultivate your children's sense of smell, train them to smell various smells, and promote the healthy development of olfactory cells; When children are three years old, they should fully exercise their taste, train their tongue to taste various flavors, and stimulate the production and development of taste cells. It can fully promote the development of children's sensory center through vision, smell and taste.

Conclusion: To promote the brain development of babies scientifically, it is more important to see what children's interests and hobbies are. Sometimes we should not blindly follow the crowd and compare with other children. Instead, we should train children scientifically according to what they like to do. The above three strategies will help your child's brain develop healthily.

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