How does the baby have a cold and stuffy nose? Master the six moves to solve it easily

08:10, September 22, 2017 Hualong
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Because the newborn is often in a closed mouth state and cannot breathe with the mouth, once the nasal congestion occurs, it will have a greater impact on the newborn, which is generally manifested as fidgety and crying. When feeding, because the nose and mouth are blocked at the same time, it will cause the baby to have difficulty in sucking, crying, poor breathing, restlessness, snoring in sleep and other phenomena. In serious cases, cyanosis and dyspnea may occur. Therefore, nasal congestion in infants is not a small problem, and parents should pay attention to it.

I will teach you the following tips to easily deal with the problem of "how to deal with infant nasal congestion".

1 Use children's nose drops

Nasal drops should be avoided when a newborn baby has a cold and stuffy nose. Even older babies should not use adult nasal drops, but should use children's special diluents to avoid toxic and side effects.

2 Cotton swab treatment of secretion

Nasal congestion in newborn infants is often caused by blocked secretions. First, prepare a special cotton swab for babies, then drop a little water into the baby's nasal cavity, then gently clean it with a cotton swab, and pull out the swab when the nasal mucus sticks to the swab. Be careful not to put the cotton swab directly into the baby's nasal cavity.

3 Drug instillation method

Ephedrine nasal drops are mostly used, 2 to 3 drops per person, and the curative effect is remarkable. However, this medicine has side effects and cannot be used for a long time.

4 Steam fumigation

Chop a handful of scallions (preferably chives) or 3-4 onions and fry them into hot soup, then steam them for nose; Or boil vinegar to suck steam through the nose, the curative effect is better.

5 Filling method

Chop the scallion white and mash the juice to seep into the cotton wool, and stuff the cotton wool into the nasal cavity, or cut the garlic into a slightly smaller shape than the nostril, and wrap it with a thin layer of cotton and stuff it into the nasal cavity, which can quickly take effect.

6 Hot compress method

Soak the gauze with hot water before going to bed, place it on both ears and apply hot compress for 1 minute, then the nasal cavity will be unblocked and breathe freely.

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