Five kinds of water that cannot be used to prepare milk powder

09:07, September 19, 2017 Hualong
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Milk is the food that babies must eat every day. If the mother's breast milk is not enough for a newborn baby, it will involve the problem of preparing milk powder. For older babies, milk powder may be the main source of milk. But do mothers really make milk powder? The water for preparing milk powder is also particular. There are five types of water that cannot be used for preparing milk powder.

  1、 Repeated boiling water

Repeated boiling water will produce high nitrate and nitrite when the water evaporates. These two substances are harmful to the body. Even adults should avoid drinking them, and it is not suitable for preparing milk powder for babies.

   2、 Filter purified water

The filter in the home is often not cleaned and tested regularly, and it is easy to produce a lot of bacteria, so do not wash milk powder for the baby.

  3、 Mineral water

The sodium and other minerals contained in natural mineral water, or the sodium and other minerals added the day after tomorrow, will burden the baby's kidney, so it is not suitable to be used as the water source for preparing milk powder.

   4、 Water that has been placed for too long

If the water is placed for a long time, the nitrate in it will be converted to nitrite. Therefore, the water in the thermos pot for more than 12-24 hours should not be used to prepare milk powder for the baby.

  5、 Water treated by hard water softener

Some families have household hard water softeners. The principle is to remove calcium and magnesium plasma in the water by replacing it with sodium, which will lead to excessive sodium in the water and will burden the baby's kidneys.

The above five kinds of water are not recommended for baby milk powder preparation. It is most suitable for parents to prepare baby milk powder by boiling tap water. If the water is repeatedly boiled or kept for too long, a large amount of nitrite will be produced, which will cause damage to the baby's body. However, if the milk powder is washed with water that has been treated with a filter or a hard water softener, the sodium content in the water will be excessive, and mineral water is not recommended for babies to wash milk powder, because the sodium content in the water will increase the burden on their kidneys. Milk powder is the food that babies need every day. Therefore, clean and sanitary water should be selected to ensure that the nutrition in milk powder plays the largest role.

Hualong integration

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