Lung protection strategies benefit baby for a lifetime

06:30, August 18, 2017 Sina parenting
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Respiratory disease is a common disease in pediatrics. Cold, fever and cough are always encountered during the growth and development of each baby, but they are different in severity. Therefore, it is a good choice for parents to prevent respiratory diseases by improving the baby's resistance.

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Why do you want to keep your baby's feet warm?

The feet are the ends of the limbs, and the blood circulation is poor. If the feet catch cold, it will reflect and cause changes in the nasal, pharyngeal, tracheal and other upper respiratory tract mucosa, which will reduce the ability to resist pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, infants are vulnerable to respiratory tract infection due to their incomplete temperature regulation center, poor cold resistance, less ground movement and cold feet. Therefore, the baby's feet should be kept warm. Let the baby move more. It is best to wash the baby's feet with warm water before going to bed.

——This article is excerpted from the book "Baby Does Not Cough and Breathes Well" authorized by China Light Industry Press

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