Baby's favorite food 2: tomato and carrot soup with red bean rice

22:14, February 6, 2017 Sina parenting
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The family planned to travel during the National Day holiday. Because Erbao was still young, they chose the outskirts of Beijing to visit Huairou. When we came to a farmyard, we were going to pick some seasonal fruits. We accidentally saw some dry goods in a stall. Grandma picked them up with great interest. Dabao is playing with Erbao. After a while, Er Bao trotted all the way to Grandma's place. Everything was fresh. He pointed to a basket of red beans and babbled. Grandma asked, "Do you want to eat this?" Erbao smiled. So Grandma bought two jin of red beans.

The next day, when the tour was finished, we had enough water and food, so we went home. When I got home, Grandma said she wanted to try this red bean. Then she asked Dabao how he wanted to eat. Without hesitation, Dabao said, "Rice with red beans." Grandma washed and soaked the red beans.

It's not good just to have food. You need some food. Er Bao likes carrots very much. He likes steamed carrots or juice with apples. So I thought of making a meal with carrots for her at noon today. I was afraid that she would not be able to digest, so I mashed several vegetables and boiled them into soup to eat together with bright red bean rice, which is both nutritious and delicious.

Don't tell me, fresh red beans are different. The rice cooked is shiny, which is called fragrant. Watching the two children eat beautifully, I feel sweet to my heart.

Manufacturing materials

Main ingredients: 500g rice, 200g red beans, 1 carrot, 400g tomato

Auxiliary material: appropriate amount of salad oil

Seasoning: 20g white sugar, 3g salt

Manufacturing steps

  1。 Wash and weigh the materials for standby.

  2。 The red beans are soaked one day in advance.

  3。 Put red beans and rice into a pressure cooker to make red bean rice.

  4。 Slice carrots.

  5。 Dice the tomatoes.

  6。 Add sugar to the glass.

  7。 Pour in tomatoes.

  8。 Start the agitator for 2 gears and beat it for 1 minute to form a fine mud, which is the homemade tomato sauce.

  9。 Pour some salad oil into the pan.

  10。 Pour the tomato paste into the pot, add salt and boil it over high heat.

  11。 Add carrots and cook. Pour them over red bean rice and serve.


① The red beans need to be soaked in advance. First, press them in a pressure cooker until they are eight ripe, and then add white rice to braise rice.

② The carrot with orange core on the top is very sweet, and the soup is also very sweet.

This article is excerpted from the book "Fancy Chinese Food in the Family Kitchen" authorized by Lijiang Publishing House

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