Baby's favorite food 1: Fried rice with shrimp, fresh vegetables and eggs

22:08, February 6, 2017 Sina parenting
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What my son doesn't like most is seafood, but how can he live without seafood with high protein? I just bought a bag of fresh South American white shrimp, and I thought about how to make my son eat it. I was happy to eat it. After thinking about it, I came up with his favorite fried rice with eggs.

The practice is super simple, that is, put the shrimps into the egg fried rice and fry them together. When Dou Dou smelled the smell of fried rice, she ran into the kitchen immediately.

"Did Mom cook fried rice with eggs?"

"Your small nose is really smart."

"Well, who am I? I am the son of the chef. I have a smart nose."

As soon as the fried rice came out of the pot, Dou Dou quickly filled a large bowl and ate it beautifully. It seems that this move has worked against the picky eater, hey hey.

Manufacturing materials

Main ingredients: 1 bowl of rice, 300g of South American white shrimp, 1 egg, 40g of peas, half root of carrot, and 1 colored pepper

Accessories: 1 lemon, moderate salad oil

Seasoning: 1 teaspoon salt, half green onion, 2 green onions, a little black pepper

Manufacturing steps

  1。 Clean and cut all ingredients for use.

  2。 Remove shrimps, squeeze in a little lemon juice and mix well.

  3。 Pour oil into the pan, heat the oil and add the scallion section to stir fry until fragrant.

  4。 Pour the shrimps into the pan, stir fry them and take them out of the pan for standby.

  5。 Pour a little oil into the pan, heat the oil, and then add the broken eggs to stir fry until cooked.

  6。 Then add a little oil in the pot, pour carrots and peas into it, stir fry until medium cooked.

  7。 Stir in rice and scatter.

  8。 Pour in eggs and shrimps, add black pepper, salt, shallots and colored peppers, stir fry until fragrant, and then you can leave the pot.

  9。 The delicious fried rice with shrimps, fresh vegetables and eggs is finished.


① Remove the shrimp line before operation.

② The shrimp should not be fried for too long, or the meat will be very old and taste bad.

This article is excerpted from the book "Fancy Chinese Food in the Family Kitchen" authorized by Lijiang Publishing House

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