Parents Soak in Hot Springs 3-year-old Children Drowning in Hot Springs in Winter Don't Hurt Your Body

06:30, December 12, 2016 Hualong
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Winter is coming, and the temperature is getting lower and lower. Many people like to take advantage of the weekend to go to the hot spring to relax. In fact, the hot spring has a good health effect, which can not only promote the blood circulation of the body, but also soothe the skin with natural minerals in the hot spring water. But don't be blind to hot springs in winter.

Outpatient records from Southwest Hospital and Xinqiao Hospital of the Third Military Medical University show that since November, there have been citizens who come to the hospital every week for various discomfort due to hot springs. So, what are the precautions for taking a hot spring bath in winter?

   ▲ "Blind" Hot Spring Soaks in Various Discomforts

Recently, a family living in Lijiatuo Street, Banan District, Chongqing went to the South Hot Spring Scenic Spot to soak in hot springs. Unexpectedly, the 3-year-old son fell into the water when his parents didn't notice, and his pulse had stopped when he was found. At the critical moment, four medical staff fought for life beside the hot spring pool and successfully pulled the child back from the jaws of death.

Late at night on the 27th, 36 year old Li Fang (not her real name) went to a hot spring with her friends. Knowing that she could not take a bath on an empty stomach, she deliberately filled her stomach before leaving, and went into the water at 7:30. Two hours later, she began to feel uncomfortable. "She felt very stuffy in the pool and dizzy." After sitting down in the hall, Li Fang not only did not get better, but also appeared vomiting, syncope and other symptoms, so everyone rushed her to the emergency department of Southwest Hospital.

Contrary to Li Fang's experience, Li Guo (not his real name), 39 years old, went to the hot spring without eating anything. He wanted to have a big meal after spending several hours in the hot spring, but before he left the hot spring center, he blacked his eyes and fainted. Fortunately, Li regained consciousness soon after he fainted, and was escorted by his family to Xinqiao Hospital near his home.

In this regard, doctors said that it is not good to have an empty stomach or eat too much before taking a hot spring bath. You should avoid taking a hot spring bath on an empty stomach or after a meal. The interval between taking a hot spring bath and eating should be at least one hour. After soaking in the hot spring, it is better to rinse the whole body with water to reduce the acid residue on the skin and avoid dry and itchy skin caused by continuous irritation.

   ▲ Don't let the hot spring hurt you. Different people should pay attention to different hot springs

Hot springs can dispel dampness and cold. Hot spring water contains various mineral elements, which can play a good role in health care. However, different groups of people have different precautions for hot springs.

   1. Male: Don't soak in hot springs after drinking

For men, they should not soak in the hot spring after drinking wine and one hour after dinner. The heat of the hot spring water will inhibit the work of the digestive system, leading to indigestion. The dual effects of drinking and hot spring water will accelerate the heart rate, increase blood pressure, increase the load on the heart, reduce blood supply to the brain, and cause dizziness and falls. Men in pregnancy preparation period should spend less time in hot springs, or they may affect the quantity and quality of sperm, or even lead to infertility.

   2. Female: It is not suitable to take a hot spring bath during the physiological period or early pregnancy

For women, it is not advisable to take a hot spring bath in the physiological period and a few days before and after the physiological period. At this time, women's physical resistance is weak, and hot spring bathing is prone to infection or wind chill. For mothers, they should not take a hot spring bath at the beginning or end of pregnancy, or they will easily lead to premature delivery or even miscarriage.

   3. Old man: Don't soak in hot springs alone

For the elderly, the spring pool with a temperature similar to the body temperature should be selected for hot spring bathing, with low temperature first and then high temperature. At the same time, the soaking time should not be too long. According to individual physique, about 8 minutes is appropriate. It can be soaked repeatedly in the pool, but pay attention to the time interval and supplement water in time. The elderly had better not soak in the hot spring alone to avoid accidents due to exhaustion.

   4. Children: suitable for springs and pools with low temperature

For children, the skin is delicate and sensitive, which is suitable for springs and pools with low temperature. At the same time, children should be accompanied by their families in hot springs to avoid dehydration and wrinkling of children's skin caused by long-term immersion. (Arranged by Hualong. com)

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