How to deal with children's accidental injuries

06:35, June 7, 2016 Beijing Times
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As the Dragon Boat Festival holiday approaches, Qiu Xiaohong, a special expert in surgery at the East District Children's Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital Group, said that the number of children with accidental burns and falls will increase significantly in emergency patients on all holidays. Remind parents not to use toothpaste and other "earthwork" in case of burns, and do not rub their heads after falling. In serious cases, they should seek medical advice in time.

According to Qiu Xiaohong, after scalding, wet clothes should be taken off first. Be careful not to damage the scalded skin with force. You can use scissors to cut it open. The simplest method for the wound is to use cold water to cool the injured part of the body surface. Because the thermal effect has the effect of prolonging, the sustained thermal effect will aggravate the injury, and then it is necessary to send the patient to the hospital in time. Qiu Xiaohong reminded parents not to use folk prescriptions such as wiping toothpaste, or they might aggravate the injury and affect doctors' judgment of the injury.

Another common injury is falling. Parents should first observe the child's mental health. If there is unconsciousness or loss of consciousness, it is a serious situation and needs to be sent to the doctor. On the contrary, the child who is crying and noisy after falling may be slightly injured. If there is a lump on the head, do not rub it. The correct way is to press it with your hand and keep it for more than five minutes to reduce bleeding. If there is no wound, in addition to pressing, you can also use simple ice packs for cold compress to reduce sleep and vomiting on the road of continuous bleeding. Don't sleep. At the same time, be steady, wake up, watch the shaking, and feel the shaking. Even when the child is shaking, he will go to the doctor for vomiting if he is too obvious. (Reporter Ma Jinfeng)

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