Boy Dreams of Being Iron Man; Doctor Says He's Afraid of Swallowing Button Battery

00:13, December 11, 2017 Surging news
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"I want to be Iron Man!" The 3-year-old boy swallowed the magic beads one after another.

Such cases of foreign body ingestion are not uncommon in hospitals. Coins, button batteries, opening pins, automatic toothbrush heads, hairpins, screws... All the strange things you can think of and can't imagine are likely to be swallowed by children.

Magnet swallowed by girl

Two days ago, the Department of Gastroenterology, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, met a 7-year-old girl who swallowed two powerful magnets. In most cases, foreign body ingestion occurs in infancy, so it is common to pick up something funny and put it in your mouth. At the age of 7, I have passed my oral desire period, and I have a certain understanding of the outside world. How can I put a magnet into my mouth?

Zhang Yi, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenteroscopy, told Pengpai News ( that the girl wanted to try the attraction of the magnet out of curiosity. So, put a magnet in your mouth and another magnet on your cheek to feel the magic of the magnet. Unexpectedly, when moving the magnet with her hand, she moved to her mouth, and two magnets suddenly attracted together. The girl was startled and her hands shook, and the two attracted magnets slid into her mouth together.

Fortunately, the two magnets were sucked together before they were swallowed. The child immediately told his parents that he had swallowed the magnet and rushed to the hospital to take it out through endoscope. Zhang Yi said frankly that similar magnetic objects are most afraid to swallow them separately. For example, if these two magnets are swallowed separately, they are likely to be sucked up in the stomach or intestines, leading to ischemic necrosis somewhere.

Don't think this is a small probability event. Just a few months ago, the department accepted a 3-year-old boy. I dreamed of becoming Iron Man and swallowed several magnetic magic beads one after another. Then something terrible happened. The magic bead sucked the duodenal bulb and stomach together, and then there were ulcers and necrosis. Fortunately, the family sent the child to the hospital in time.

Many accidents could have been avoided. Doctor Zhang Yi reminded parents not to buy toys with small parts for their children. "Small things" should also be kept away and not placed where children can reach for them. Children can swallow more than parents think. The most common one is the coin.

"All the year round, we can always catch tens of dollars," said Dr. Zhang Yi. The child put the change into his mouth when his parents put it in his pocket. Physiological structure determines that children's digestive tract has three physiological strictures, one of which is at the entrance of the esophagus. Many children will be stuck at the entrance of the esophagus after swallowing coins by mistake. Of course, some will slip through the esophagus into the stomach. Many silver coins "fished out" by doctors have blackened, which is the mark of gastric acid corrosion.

Worse than getting stuck is corrosion. If children swallow corrosive objects by mistake, the consequences are unimaginable. The most common and corrosive foreign body in clinic is the battery, most of which are button batteries.

"I haven't tried, and I don't know how corrosive the button battery is." Dr. Zhang Yi wryly smiled. When he was a child, he also held the button battery in his mouth. As long as the liquid inside flowed out a little, the pain was unbearable, and the whole tongue was scalded white.

In the hospital, if a child swallows a button battery by mistake, it must race against the clock. Once the chemicals in the button battery flow out, they will corrode the children's esophagus and stomach wall. "We have received some children, and the whole esophagus was burned." Dr. Zhang Yi warned parents to be more careful. If the esophagus is corroded for a long time, it will leave complications such as esophageal stenosis. Although esophageal stricture can be treated by endoscopic balloon dilatation, stenting, etc., the child has suffered a lot.

Finally, Zhang Yi also reminds adults that it is an accident for a child to swallow a foreign object by mistake, and it is no zu no die for adults to swallow a foreign object due to gambling, curiosity, etc. Surging journalist Xu Jia

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