What should I do if the child has an accident? Let's hear what pediatricians say

06:30, June 20, 2017 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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   It is not recommended to "induce vomiting" to expel poisons after drinking poisons by mistake. If you ingest foreign objects by mistake, you should immediately use first aid to expel them

When babies grow up, their curious and active nature often causes them unexpected injuries, which is the most worrying and worrying for parents. Rather than panic when an accident occurs, we should take precautions to learn from experts the common emergency treatment measures for accidental injuries of children, such as accidental ingestion of venom, throat blockage caused by foreign objects, playing with water, drowning, convulsions and convulsions. Recently, Li Peiqing, the director of the emergency department of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, and Ma Wencheng, the deputy director, were invited to give lectures on the "famous doctors lecture" of the Guangzhou Daily Health Appointment.

Q: Can children vomit after drinking poison by mistake?

Answer: Not all solvents are suitable

Acute poisoning is one of the common accidents among children. The sources of poisons are common industrial organic solvents (such as Tianna water), daily chemical products (such as shampoo and pigment), drugs and insect poisons (such as "tetramine" and cockroach drugs). Li Peiqing said that the sudden vomiting, coma, convulsion and rolling of the eyes after the child's acute poisoning were common symptoms.

She pointed out that after poisoning, parents should first identify the cause of the child's poisoning (which can be judged by smell and solvent container), and isolate it from the source of poisoning; Secondly, clean the children's skin, eyes or oral cavity with clean flowing water for about 20 minutes; Again, call 120 or send to the nearest hospital for medical treatment; Finally, at the time of medical treatment, parents are advised to explain to the receiving doctor the warning signs of poisoning, activity areas, accidental use of venom and first aid measures, etc. If conditions permit, parents are advised to provide the doctor with toxic sources for rescue.

Li Peiqing stressed that it is not recommended to use "emesis" to expel toxins, because some solvents are not suitable for emesis. In addition, during emesis, foreign objects may be sucked back into the respiratory tract, leading to airway obstruction.

Q: What should I do if I eat a foreign object by mistake?

Answer: First aid drainage is required for airway blockage

Airway obstruction caused by ingestion of foreign bodies by infants and children occurs from time to time. Nuts, jellies and small toy parts are the main foreign bodies in infants and children with airway obstruction. Li Peiqing said that the common symptoms of children were severe cough and dyspnea. At this time, parents should use first aid to expel foreign bodies.

   How to operate?


1. The parents first asked whether the child choked on the throat by a foreign body. After confirming that the child was obstructed by a foreign body, the parents immediately slapped the child's back five times to help him remove the foreign body. If the foreign body was not removed, immediately implement the "Heikelim First Aid".

2. First, open the children's legs, and support the parents' legs behind the children in a bow shape; Next, wrap both hands around the waist of the child, form a fist with the left hand, align the thumb side with the child's abdomen, and place it at the two transverse finger heights above the navel; Once again, the right hand holds the fist.

3. When the hands are pressed upward and inward rapidly, an impact airflow will be formed to rush out the hard food blocks blocking the trachea and throat.

4. Repeat the above manipulation until the foreign body is discharged.


1. When the baby has airway obstruction, the rescuer places the baby's body on the left forearm, gently holds the baby's chin with the left palm to keep its head low and feet high, slaps the baby's back with the right hand, and stops after 5 times.

2. With the other hand, lie the baby on his right arm, keep his head low and his feet high, and press the baby's chest with his index finger and middle finger, and stop after 5 times.

3. Repeat the above action until the foreign body in the baby's throat and airway is discharged.

Q: What should I do in case of drowning?

Answer: Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation without respiratory pulse

Drowning is one of the risk factors for accidental injury of children. Li Peiqing pointed out that in case of drowning, parents should first confirm whether the child is conscious after saving the child ashore. The child should pat his shoulder and call his name, while the baby should pat his foot and call; If the child has no response, the face can be close to the nose of the child to judge whether there is breathing. If there is no breathing, call 120; After dialing the phone, the parents put their index fingers and middle fingers on the throat knot of the child, slide them to the concave position on the left or right side of the child's neck and apply pressure to feel whether the child has pulse. If there is no pulse within 5 to 10 seconds, the parents need to implement cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately.

   Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children

1. Place the child in a flat position. Place the palm root of the rescuer's hand in the center of the child's chest (the connection between the two nipples and the sternum), and place the other palm root on the first hand. Note that the fingers do not touch the chest wall of the child.

2. The rescuer leans forward and straightens the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. With the help of upper body weight and shoulder muscle strength, press at the rate of 100~120 times per minute, with a depth of about 5 cm. After each press, the chest of the child should fully rebound.

3. After 30 times of pressing, the rescuer lifts the child's jaw to open his airway, holds his nose with his thumb and forefinger and exhales twice (1 second each time).

4. Repeat 5 cycles according to the above steps, and then judge whether the baby has pulse and breath. If the pulse is restored, turn the baby's head to one side and wait for 120.

   Infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation

1. Place the child in a flat position, and put the rescuer's index finger and middle finger together in the middle of the child's chest (the line between the two nipples and the sternum). Press at the rate of 100-120 times per minute, with a depth of about 4 cm.

2. After 30 times of pressing, the rescuer lifts the child's jaw to open his airway, holds his nose with his thumb and forefinger and exhales once (for 1 second each time).

3. Repeat 5 cycles according to the above steps, and then judge whether the baby has pulse and breath. If the pulse is restored, turn the baby's head to one side and wait for 120.

Q: Do you want to go to the hospital after insect bites?

Answer: In case of allergy, send to the doctor

In outdoor activities, insect bites are a hidden danger of accidental injuries to children. How should parents deal with it? Li Peiqing took the most common bee insect stinging as an example. After parents knew what kind of bee insect was stinging their children, they pulled out the poisonous sting left in the wound, washed and neutralized it with acid solution (such as vinegar) or alkaline solution (such as ammonia), and finally let the children take antipyretic and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen.

Should I go to the hospital immediately after insect bites? Li Peiqing said that not all insect bites must go to the hospital, but if there are local wound lesions, cardiac arrest, respiratory distress and skin allergy after insect bites, they should be sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Q: Should people be selected after febrile convulsion?

Answer: "live by technology" according to people

Some children with high fever may have convulsions when they have fever, which is a common febrile convulsion in fever. Ma Wencheng explained that 4%~5% of the children with fever had febrile convulsions, and 30%~40% of the patients would have relapses. At the same time, after the first convulsion, the patients had a high probability of having a second convulsion within 24 hours.

Ma Wencheng said that the main measure to deal with convulsions is prevention. During the fever period of children, parents should take physical cooling and medication measures to reduce fever, which can theoretically reduce the probability of convulsions; Once the child has convulsions, the parents should let the child lie flat, keep the breathing airway unobstructed, and turn the head to one side to let the secretion out of the mouth; Do not cuddle and comfort the child, and forcibly open the mouth of the child; After the symptoms are over, the patient shall be sent to the hospital immediately, and the patient with multiple convulsions shall undergo medical imaging examination.

"Other data point out that after convulsion, the acupoint in the middle of the human body should be pressed, but it is" skilled ". Parents who do not receive professional training may cause secondary injuries, so they should be handed over to medical personnel for treatment." Ma Wencheng said. (Reporters Li Heng and Wu Ren, correspondents Yi Minmin and meticulous)

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