Treatment of children's abrasions and lacerations

06:30, May 25, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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Lele is a lively and active child. In summer, she wears less clothes, and abrasions on her arms and legs often occur. Grandma always washes her wounds with water, and then puts on a band aid. But this time, the face wound was a little big and bleeding. Grandma didn't know what to do, so she went to the hospital with Lele in her arms.

Babies are always bumpy. If they bump, they will have skin injuries. When the baby has skin injury, how should parents deal with it?

The most common injury in children is abrasion, that is, the surface of the skin is abraded, with a little bleeding, which is mostly seen in the elbow and knee joints. What parents need to do most is to clean the wound. First, wash the wound with clean water. After washing, apply complexed iodine on the wound surface to expose the wound to the air naturally and wait for healing. If the wound is large or still exudates after treatment, it needs to be simply wrapped with sterile or medical gauze.

If you accidentally break a hole, how do you deal with it? The laceration usually has a deep wound, and the whole skin is split, with more bleeding, which is mainly found in the forehead, jaw, fingers, etc. Most child lacerations need to be treated in the hospital, but before that, parents should stop the baby's bleeding.

If it is a small wound, it can be covered with a Band Aid; If the wound is large, cover it with sterile gauze or clean towel, and then directly press the covered bleeding place with hands for 10-20 minutes. When there is much bleeding, press the artery near the heart end of the wound with your fingers to prevent bleeding. Finally, wrap the wound with emergency bandage and adhesive tape. After hemostasis, it is better to take the child to the hospital for inspection, and let the doctor judge whether to suture and break the cold needle.

Wang Luqi, Department of Dermatology, Hunan Children's Hospital

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