How to deal with child sprain or fracture?

06:30, February 13, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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Sprain of joint ligaments, dislocation of joint (dislocation) and fracture are three common sports injuries for children. The symptoms caused by these injuries are the same, such as pain, swelling, limb dysfunction, etc., but because of different types and severity of injuries, the emergency measures taken are also different.

Sprain of joint ligaments in children is most common in ankle, knee and wrist. It often happens when a child falls down, and the ligaments connecting different bones around the joints are stretched and squeezed due to the twisting of the limbs to the ground. The injured joint of the child should avoid movement, and can be protected by ankle protection, knee protection, wrist protection, etc. After injury, "cold treatment" should be carried out with ice or cold water to make blood vessels constrict, reduce subcutaneous bleeding and exudation, and thus reduce swelling; At the same time, bandages can also be used to compress the sprained part, which not only helps to protect and fix the injured joint, but also helps to reduce swelling. After the injury is relatively stable (generally 48 hours later), hot compress or external use of blood activating and stasis removing drugs shall be carried out. Raising the affected limb can promote blood return, which is conducive to the disappearance of swelling.

If a child falls down accidentally or breaks a bone due to other reasons while playing, parents should not try to move the child, nor try to straighten the injured bone or change its position. If the blood loss is serious, immediately press the injured part with disinfectant bandage or clean cloth to stop the bleeding, and fix the injured joint with splint. Be careful not to bind too tightly. If the child's extremities are pale, blue, cool, numb or painful after fixation, it indicates poor blood circulation, and parents should properly relax or re fix them. After preliminary treatment, they can be sent to the hospital in an emergency.

Hunan Children's Hospital Orthopaedic Department Mosasha

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