Children with head injuries should observe these

06:30, December 14, 2016 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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Infants' limbs are not fully developed, their activities are uncoordinated, and their support strength is poor. They are easy to fall down, and their heads are easy to land first, leading to trauma. When a child has a head injury, parents should learn to observe the situation from the following aspects.

   Check whether there is bleeding in the skin of the injured part When the scalp is lacerated, it is not suitable to stop bleeding immediately because the scalp tissue has abundant blood vessels and more bleeding. At this time, it should be covered with clean gauze, slightly pressurized, temporarily stopped bleeding, and immediately sent to the hospital for treatment.

   Look for scalp hematoma If the injured part can be touched with tumors, they are of different sizes, about the size of dates or chestnuts. When pressed, they are wavy. Most of them are scalp hematoma. Use hot compress 48 hours after injury to help the absorption of hematoma, which can heal itself.

   Whether there is concave fracture of skull When the head touches the corner of the table or other protruding objects, there may be concave fractures. If you touch the skull with your hand, there may be limited collapses. If the fracture is serious, it can compress the brain essence, and you should go to the hospital in time for diagnosis and treatment.

   Whether there is liquid outflow from ears and nostrils After severe head injury, brain tissue may be injured, and brain concussion or intracranial hematoma may occur. If there is blood or water like substance outflow from the external auditory canal or nostril, it indicates that there is skull base fracture, and the patient should go to the hospital for treatment.

In addition, parents should continue to observe the following aspects: whether there are changes in consciousness, such as not crying after falling, they always want to sleep after injury, and fall asleep immediately after waking up, indicating that there is intracranial hypertension or brain injury. Whether there is vomiting, especially jet like vomiting, and if there is, it indicates intracranial hypertension. Whether you are irritable, or poor in spirit, accompanied by small twitching of corners of the eyes, corners of the mouth, or twitching of the limbs.

Li Juanjuan, Department of Orthopaedics, Hunan Children's Hospital

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