53 day old baby suffocated to death when mother fed at night and slept

06:30, November 7, 2016 Sina parenting
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The doctor said that the baby was delivered at about 5:30 in the morning and was not suffocated by the quilt. It was likely that the mother had pressed the baby during the feeding: "The baby ate night milk. The mother was probably too tired during the day, so she didn't get up. She just lay on her side and fed herself. She slept while feeding. The baby's mouth and nose might be blocked by her mother's breast or somewhere."

The parents didn't know exactly when the child suffocated. They woke up at more than 5 o'clock in the morning and found that the child was in a wrong situation. When the baby was sent to the hospital, his limbs were cold, and his heart and breath could not be measured. The doctor saved the patient for an hour, but was unable to recover.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

Doctor Chen said that he had encountered the tragedy of suffocation caused by adults' negligence before. "More than a year ago, there was a baby boy who was only a week old and choked on his mother's milk. His mother had a lot of milk and fed it fiercely. He had no time to swallow it, so the milk choked on his trachea, causing suffocation. However, the baby was finally saved, and we later asked her to carry him to a superior hospital for further inspection, fearing that the milk would go into the lungs and cause inhalation pneumonia."

Doctor Chen, a child of a distant relative, also died of suffocation when he was 3 months old. It also happened when adults were asleep. I don't know whether the child's mouth and nose were pressed by adults' hands or covered by quilts

I also asked several other hospitals in Hangzhou, and found that the frequency of suffocation of infants due to parents' negligence was not low. The accident probability of infants under 1 year old is the highest, which is usually caused by improper feeding, wrapping or sleeping posture of parents.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

The parents must not know about the accidental suffocation of the baby. The best way to prevent such a tragedy is to take precautions in advance——

1. When feeding, do not lie on your side. Even if you are sleepy at night, you should also sit up and feed the baby. When feeding milk powder, at least the baby's body should be raised to feed. Adults lie on their side at night to feed, which makes them easy to fall asleep, pressure children and choke children with milk.

2. Don't be too impatient when feeding, so as not to choke the child with too much milk.

3. After feeding, "burp" the baby first, or stroke it down the back, or hold it upright for a while. The baby who is easy to return to the breast should sleep on its side, so that the vomited milk is not easy to enter the airway.

4. Children should not sleep between their parents. They can sleep on one side of the bed, slightly separated from adults. Adults should also be alert when sleeping to avoid pressing children. The safest way is to put a crib beside the big bed and let the baby sleep in the crib.

5. The package should not be too tight, and the child's mouth and nose should be exposed. Try not to cover children with heavy quilts.

6. If your child has a cold, cough, throat inflammation, etc., you should timely aspirate sputum for your child.

The first thing when choked by milk: turn the child sideways and pat his back

After the accident, in fact, parents can do little. Director Wang of the Department of Pediatrics of the Municipal Red Cross Society Hospital said that if the baby was choked by milk, parents could turn the baby over and pat him (her) on the back to let the milk flow out. The child's mouth should be cleaned.

If the child has stopped breathing, it is necessary to do artificial respiration immediately——

1. Ensure that the air pipe is unblocked

Put your arm under your baby's back, lift his chin, and hold the baby flat.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

2. Confirm breathing

Put your cheeks and ears close to your baby's mouth and nose to confirm the sound of breathing. Use 5 seconds to confirm whether the baby's chest and stomach are up and down. If there is no breathing, perform artificial respiration.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

3. Secondary artificial respiration

Cover the baby's mouth and nose at the same time, and blow for 1~1.5 seconds to make the baby's chest slightly bulge. Repeat twice.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

4. Confirm pulse

Press the index finger and middle finger together on the baby's upper arm artery (the inner side of the arm above the elbow) or thigh artery (the root of the thigh) for 5 seconds to confirm the pulse. If you can't feel it, perform heart massage.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

  5 。 Carry out artificial respiration according to the method of "1, 2, exhalation -"

If the baby has a pulse, carry out artificial respiration according to the rhythm of "1, 2, exhale -", stopping for 2 seconds and blowing once. Continue until the ambulance arrives.

 The mother in Henan slept at night, and the 53 day old baby was suffocated!

No matter what kind of suffocation is caused by, once parents find it, they must send the child to the hospital as soon as possible while dealing with it urgently.

This article comes from loving baby care and parent-child education Read the original text

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