Baby nearly died when he choked on millet porridge

06:30, August 23, 2016 Huashang Website - Huashang Daily micro-blog
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   Millet, which can open the intestines and stomach and nourish the deficiency, is a common food for northerners. Millet porridge is rich in nutritional value and contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids. The golden millet, soft and smooth, is an ideal tonic for the elderly, the infirm and the puerpera.

   But such a bowl of sweet, delicious and nutritious millet porridge almost killed Xiaoxuan.

   About 5 minutes from choking to unconsciousness

   On the morning of August 5, a group of adults carrying a blue and purple child cried and ran into Xi'an Eighth Hospital, "Doctor, help my child, help my child!"

   The rescued child was called Xiao Xuanxuan. At 10 o'clock that morning, his grandparents and mother took him to Xi'an Eighth Hospital for treatment. Thinking that the child had herpes in his mouth due to hand foot mouth disease, he had not had a good meal these days. Before going to see the doctor, he asked the child to drink some millet porridge mat, and carried the child to the restaurant next to the hospital.

   Unexpectedly, after feeding several mouthfuls, the child suddenly can't speak, and his lips slowly turn purple. Xuanxuan's mother rushed into the hospital with the child in her arms. "About five minutes ago, when the child arrived, his mouth and lips were cyanosis, his hands and feet were cold, and his feet were cyan due to lack of oxygen. He had lost consciousness," Zhao Ling, director of the emergency department, told reporters. Zhao Ling immediately put Xiao Xuanxuan's head down, making her body tilt to form an angle with the bed. Zhao Ling put her elbow against the child's abdomen, held her jaw with her hand, and quickly slapped her with the other hand. Then the medical staff used a sputum aspirator to remove the foreign bodies in her trachea and mouth. Ten minutes later, Xiao Xuanxuan finally cried "wow" and gradually regained her sanity, After half an hour of oxygen inhalation, his face also became normal. After physical examination, Zhao Ling told Xiao Xuanxuan's mother that she could leave the emergency room. The child's family was excited and kept thanking the medical staff in the emergency department, "Thank you, you are our lifesaver."

   Sudden cough and dyspnea should be highly suspected of organ foreign bodies

   Zhao Ling told the reporter that when children were eating and playing, they suddenly stopped moving, started crying and coughing loudly, had paroxysmal cyanosis, dyspnea, and then became delirious, and should suspect foreign bodies in the trachea. If the foreign body completely blocks the trachea, it will endanger life. Even if the rescue is successful, it will often leave behind aphasia, paralysis and other sequelae.

   Once it is confirmed that the foreign body is inhaled into the trachea, first aid must be carried out immediately. The method of first aid varies with the age of the child.

   For infants, do not hang their feet upside down and slap their backs. It is not only impossible to expel foreign bodies from the trachea, but also increases the risk of injury to their cervical vertebrae. The correct method is to use a combination of back slapping and quick chest compression. The rescuer knelt or sat down, put the baby's face down on the knee, make the baby's head lower than the chest, and let its head rest on the rescuer's forearm. The rescuer leans his forearm on his own knee or thigh to support the baby. He holds the baby's head and jaw with one hand. The rescuer uses his palm to clap his back between the baby's shoulder blades for five times. He holds the baby's back head with his palm. He turns the baby over and holds the baby so that his face is up, his head is still lower than his torso. He carries out five quick chest compressions slightly below the line between the two breasts in the middle of the baby's chest, Repeat 5 back pats and 5 chest compressions. If the symptoms are not relieved, they should be sent to the nearest hospital in time.

   Children and adults with tracheal foreign bodies should take a standing or sitting position behind the patient, and the rescuer should stand or kneel behind the patient, and wrap his hands around the patient's waist. At the same time, the patient should bend his head forward. The rescuer should clench his fist with one hand, so that the protruding part of the thumb joint is 2 cm above the navel on the midline of the patient's abdomen, and grasp the clenched hand with the other hand to quickly pull and press the patient's abdomen upward and inward. Repeated rapid tension and compression impact until the foreign matter is discharged from the airway.

   If the patient has become unconscious at this time, CPR should be carried out immediately, and call 120 for help at the same time. CPR should not be stopped before the patient wakes up. Chinese Business Daily reporter Wang Bei

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