Children scald, don't be fooled, master the first aid knowledge of burns

06:30, June 20, 2016 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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In summer, due to the hot weather, people's thin clothes and more exposed skin, it is easy to burn or scald, especially children with strong curiosity. The tender skin is scalded. If the treatment is improper, the consequences will be very serious. Therefore, parents should not only pay attention to prevention, but also master some first-aid knowledge about children's burns and scalds.

Most children with burns (scalds) are caused by hot liquid, such as porridge, boiling water, etc. Many parents do not know how to carry out early first aid. They are frightened and don't know what to do when they see children with burns. Some even take some incorrect first aid methods, such as applying toothpaste, soy sauce, etc. to the wound, which results in increased wound pollution. When a child is found scalded, parents should wash the injured part with clean flowing cold water for 30 minutes before sending it to the hospital for treatment. This can not only reduce the pain, but also reduce the damage of waste heat to deep tissue. The wound will heal quickly and the scar will be light.

When dealing with burns, it is recommended that parents should first use flowing cold water to reduce the temperature locally, and at the same time immediately check the extent and degree of burns; If the scalded area of the child is too large, it cannot be washed with cold water, but cold towel can be applied to the affected area. In addition, do not apply any medicine, just keep the affected part clean, so as not to delay the time for cleaning the medicine after being sent to the hospital.

If the scalded area exceeds the area of the child's own palm, and large blisters appear; Or although the scalded area is small, the skin on the scalded area falls off seriously; Or burns on the child's genitals, face, eyes, nose, mouth and other places, as well as burns caused by touching electrical appliances; Parents had better send their children to the hospital immediately.

Zhang Jie, Special Examination Department, Hunan Children's Hospital

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