Accidental fall and knock parents make preliminary judgment before handling

10:26, June 11, 2016 Huashang Website - Huashang Daily micro-blog
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   fall and hurt oneself

   Children within 1 year old are easy to fall off the bed

   Cause clavicle fracture

Jiang Hai, Deputy Chief Physician of Pediatric Orthopaedics Department of Xi'an Honghui Hospital, said that it is common for children to fall from bed at home. Young children, especially children under the age of 1, are most likely to cause clavicle fractures when falling from bed, which is often manifested as crying, and the upper limb on the injured side is unwilling to move.

When parents find this situation, they can touch the clavicle with their hands. If they feel obvious swelling, the child will cry more when touching, and they should suspect the clavicle fracture. Use a wider scarf to suspend the upper limb on the injured side at 90 degree elbow flexion, and then go to the hospital for treatment. The clavicle fracture is easy to heal, especially for young children. Even if there is some dislocation and angulation, it can self shape in the future growth and development process, which will not affect the appearance and function.

Due to a certain sense of protection, children will use their hands to protect them during falling, which often leads to elbow injury. Supracondylar fracture of the humerus is the most common injury. Cracked fracture without obvious dislocation is characterized by swelling and tenderness around the elbow joint, and obvious pain during flexion and extension. Obvious dislocation of the fracture can be found elbow joint has obvious deformity, skin bruising, obvious pain.

Parents should first ask about the child's pain, and then gently touch the child's arm to make a preliminary judgment. In case of uncertainty, the injured side shall be fixed with a scarf and sent to the hospital for treatment.


   Don't rub it with your hands

   Cold compress the affected part with towel wrapped ice

Jiang Hai reminded parents not to rub the injured part with their hands if the child is injured by a knock. They can use a clean towel soaked in cold water or a towel wrapped with ice cubes to apply to the injured part. After cold compress, apply a damp and hot towel to the affected area and gently massage to help reduce swelling. For minor injuries, use a sterilized cotton ball dipped in low temperature soapy water or physiological saline to scrub around the wound and clean foreign matters, and then apply iodophor; Serious wounds should be wrapped with gauze after disinfection treatment; Those who are especially serious should be sent to the hospital for treatment in time.

Slight sprain can be applied to the wound with towel or ice soaked in cold water; In case of severe swelling or congestion of sprain, children shall not be allowed to walk around. First, bandages shall be used to fix the upper and lower parts of sprain, and then the injured shall be sent to hospital for treatment immediately. Chinese Business Daily reporter Wang Wei

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