One and a half year old baby swallows 7 magnetic beads by mistake, which is fatal

12:05, May 9, 2016 Nanfang Metropolis Daily
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Experts remind parents that if children are suspected of eating foreign bodies by mistake, they should seek medical advice in a timely manner

 The doctor took out 7 magnetic beads from Xiaohang's abdominal cavity. Correspondent provides drawings The doctor took out 7 magnetic beads from Xiaohang's abdominal cavity. Correspondent provides drawings

Nandu reporter Xiao Wei's correspondent Qiao Jianping learned from the city's Humanity Hospital yesterday that the hospital recently treated a "greedy" baby one and a half years old, who mistakenly swallowed seven magnetic beads. The small beads attract each other in the stomach and intestines, resulting in intestinal perforation. Fortunately, they survived only after timely surgical treatment.

   Perforation of small intestine caused by magnetic beads

According to experts, Xiaohang, a six-month old baby, began to suffer from paroxysmal abdominal pain after having dinner at home, accompanied by repeated vomiting. The family tried their best to alleviate the child's condition. At 3:00 a.m. on the 24th, Xiaohang's parents rushed Xiaohang to Zhongshan Humanity Hospital for emergency treatment. As a result, X-ray examination showed that Xiaohang had foreign bodies in her abdomen.

A few hours later, the doctor took out 4 colored magnetic beads in Xiaohang's small intestine and 3 colored magnetic beads in the stomach cavity through surgery. The magnetic beads have strong magnetism. They are attracted to each other in a straight line in the abdominal cavity and cannot move. They seem to be connected under X-ray, but they are actually located in the stomach and intestines respectively. The small intestine became necrotic due to the pressure of the magnetic bead, and a diameter of 0. 5 cm holes. Thanks to the timely operation, the child recovered smoothly after the operation and was discharged from the hospital within 5 days.

How could Xiao Hang have magnetic beads in his belly? The doctor explained that the child probably ate the magnetic beads by mistake due to curiosity.

   The potato chips get stuck in the trachea and become a vegetable

According to the relevant experts of the City Boai Hospital, there was another case before that, the family fed a baby who was only 1 year old and 9 months old a "Mimi" potato chip, and then the baby coughed, turned blue, and had difficulty breathing. The family immediately sent him to the hospital. At that time, he was in a coma without breathing or heartbeat. The doctor took out about 3cm long French fries from his trachea through laryngoscope. After half an hour of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the baby's heartbeat recovered, and then he was transferred to PICU of Humanity Hospital for further treatment under the maintenance of the ventilator.

But a few months later, the baby has not been able to wake up and become a little vegetable. The doctor once again reminded parents to pay attention to the prevention of foreign body ingestion by children. Once children are suspected of ingesting foreign body by mistake, they should seek medical advice in a timely manner; It is better to bring the same sample as the child's swallowed items when visiting the doctor for reference.

   Data: More than 80% of cases occurred in children under 5 years old

Hu Xiaohua, Director of Pediatric Surgery of Zhongshan Humanity Hospital, said that every year, Zhongshan Humanity Hospital will treat many children who swallow foreign bodies. According to statistics, more than 80% of cases of foreign bodies in the digestive tract occur in children under 5 years old, especially those under 3 years old. Most foreign bodies can be discharged by themselves, but 10% to 20% of foreign bodies in the digestive tract need to be removed by endoscopy, and about 1% to 3% of foreign bodies need to be removed by surgery. "If the foreign body remains in the body for a long time, it may cause complications such as gastrointestinal mucosa injury, intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding or even perforation, which may lead to death in serious cases. Therefore, we must not take foreign bodies in the digestive tract lightly."

Hu Xiaohua specially reminded that the battery is corrosive, which can corrode the digestive tract and cause a series of complications; However, if magnetic foreign bodies are swallowed by mistake, due to the mutual attraction and compression of digestive tract, close observation should be carried out and surgery should be carried out as soon as possible if necessary.

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