Unexpectedly, it is the "biggest killer" of children under 5 years old!

06:33, March 31, 2016 Sanxiang Metropolis Daily micro-blog
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How about the health status of pregnant and lying in women in our province? What diseases are most common at birth? Today, Hunan Maternal and Child Health Hospital released the health status of women and children in the province, which shows that the mortality rates of pregnant and lying in women, children under the age of 5, and infants in our province are showing a downward trend. However, the incidence of birth defects is still high.

   Decrease in maternal mortality

In 2015, the maternal mortality rate in Hunan Province was 14.21/100000, showing a downward trend.

It is reported that there are many causes of maternal death in our province, of which the highest frequency is pregnancy with heart disease, obstetric bleeding, followed by pregnancy with nervous system disease, pregnancy induced hypertension, amniotic fluid embolism, etc. According to the trend chart of maternal mortality in our province from 2011 to 2015, the mortality rate in these five years was the highest in 2012, reaching 19.55/100000.

   Children under 5 years old

Five "death culprits" announced

In 2015, the mortality rate of children under 5 years old in our province was 6.14 ‰, and the infant mortality rate was 3.92 ‰, showing a downward trend respectively. The top five causes of death of children under 5 years old were drowning, congenital heart disease, premature delivery or low birth weight, pneumonia, and accidental asphyxia. Compared with 2014, the proportion of congenital heart disease increased in 2015.

   High incidence of birth defects

In recent years, the birth defect rate in our province has been on the high side. In 2014, there were 221.8 birth defects for every 10000 children born, ranking the third in the country.

In 2015, the incidence of birth defects in our province was 218.39 million, down 1.47% from 2014. The top five birth defects were congenital heart disease, polydactyly, other external ear malformations, kidney malformations, and talipes equinovarus.

   Neonatal disease screening contributes to health

In 2015, there were 781066 live births in our province, and 785059 cases of congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria were screened for neonatal diseases.

Which diseases occur frequently in neonatal disease screening? According to the released content, 680736 cases of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency were screened, 3102 cases were diagnosed, and the detection rate was 455700. 326 cases of congenital hypothyroidism were diagnosed, and the detection rate was 41.52/100000. There were 34 cases of phenylketonuria, the detection rate was 4.33/100000. 656513 cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia were screened, 7 cases were diagnosed, and the detection rate was 1.07/100000.

Reporter Li Qi Correspondent Li Yuchen

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