Deformity due to improper treatment of fractures in children

06:30, October 12, 2016 Nan Fang Daily
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Some time ago, a Chinese child was dislocated in the United States. It took 4 hours to go to the hospital for restoration and spent more than 10000 yuan in a post that was popular among friends. The child in the article has been dislocated for the third time, which has attracted the attention of parents. How to prevent fracture or dislocation in children? How should parents deal with similar situations? Wen Shifeng, director of the Department of Orthopaedics of Guangzhou First People's Hospital, reminded that subluxation of the capitulum radius is very common in children, and parents should be careful not to pull too hard.

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the incidence of fractures in children is very high, with more than 50% of boys having fractures and 20% of girls having fractures. In every 100 children every year, about 2 will have a fracture. According to this proportion, about 80000 children in Guangzhou will have fractures more than once a year among 4 million children.

Not long ago, a Chinese couple went to the United States with their children, but they were not convinced to have an accident. "I grabbed his little hand, and the little man suddenly broke free. He felt a loud cry and a loud cry. With his rich experience in the previous two times, he knew that Mile's left hand was dislocated." Wen Shifeng, director of the Department of Orthopaedics of the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou, pointed out that according to this description, the child in the article had suffered from the subluxation of the small head of the radius. This is also called "holding hands", which is very easy to happen in children. It took the hero four hours to get treatment in the United States, while in China, for orthopedic doctors, it only takes a few seconds to reset.

Director Wen Shifeng said that the incidence of fracture or dislocation has a lot to do with age. Generally, for infants under 1 year old, the most common injury is falling from height. The child has just learned to walk after the age of 1, and the parents hold their hands. When they encounter a ditch on the road, they are more likely to have subluxation of the capitulum radius. Therefore, orthopedic doctors do not advocate parents to pull their children's hands or raise their children to play. For older children, it is more common to play on slides, bicycles and scooters and fall down, resulting in fractures of limbs or dislocation of joints.

It should be noted that multiple subluxations of the radial capitulum are easy to form habitual dislocations. Generally, after a child has had a dislocation, parents should pay special attention to avoid pulling the child's arm forcefully within three weeks to avoid another dislocation. "This kind of dislocation is really difficult to prevent. It will be improved only when the organizational structure of the child grows up to a certain strength."

Director Wen Shifeng reminded that in addition to the common "holding hands", supracondylar fractures of the humerus of the arm are also common in children. The humerus is the weak point of children. In addition, children's bones are still growing. If the supracondylar fracture of the humerus occurs, improper treatment will easily lead to dislocation of the elbow joint and the formation of cubital varus deformity. "There was once a small patient with supracondylar fracture of the humerus who went to the emergency department for simple treatment, and then found that the elbow joint grew into a deformity."

Once a child's fracture occurs, how should parents deal with it? Director Wen Shifeng reminded that whether the child has a fracture can be judged according to whether there is a history of trauma, whether the suspected fracture part is swollen and painful, and whether the child is crying or afraid to move. After a fracture occurs, parents are not recommended to reset or bandage the child themselves. The child should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible with minimal pain and be treated by a professional orthopedic doctor. Children's fracture has its particularity, and it is unpredictable in the development process. Therefore, after fracture, it must be reviewed regularly according to the doctor's requirements.

Southern Daily reporter Yan Huifang Correspondent Wei Xing Huang Yuexing

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