Baby likes to "wander", beware of epilepsy

06:30, July 2, 2017 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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A few days ago, a senior one student in Shantou suddenly suffered from epilepsy after a fever for three days. The doctor could not control the symptoms after using all available drugs. Zhang Xinwei, deputy chief physician of neurosurgery of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, went to the local place for consultation. According to his analysis, encephalitis caused sudden epilepsy. As for the cause of encephalitis, doctors suspected that it was caused by bilateral frontal lobe infection after the spread of sinusitis.

Today is the International Epilepsy Care Day. The reporter learned from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University that epilepsy has become the second most common disease in neurology in China after headache. One third of epilepsy patients are children. Therefore, the theme of this year's Care Day is "pay attention to epilepsy patients on campus". Experts said that the pathogenic factors of most children with epilepsy are closely related to their mothers' physical and mental state in early pregnancy. In addition, hypoxia in utero or at birth can also make children suffer from epilepsy.

   Children should try to avoid raw carnivores or parasites damaging the brain

Epilepsy is a serious brain disease, commonly known as "epilepsy", which is a sudden abnormal discharge of brain neurons, leading to temporary brain dysfunction.

Zhang Xinwei, deputy chief physician of neurosurgery of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that the pathogenic factors of most epileptic children are closely related to the physical and mental state of their mothers in the early pregnancy: when pregnant women, the working or living environment is too poor, the air is suffocated and oxygen deficient, and radiation pollution is serious. Cold and fever of pregnant women in the early pregnancy will increase the risk of epilepsy. In addition, hypoxia caused by the baby's umbilical cord around the neck in the uterus and birth difficulties is also one of the factors that make the baby suffer from epilepsy.

In addition, epilepsy is also related to acquired factors. In addition to sinusitis, Zhang Xinwei reminded children to especially avoid eating raw food, such as raw fish and incompletely cooked meat, because parasites that may be contained in these foods will enter the brain along the blood vessels, causing brain damage and epilepsy.

"Children with fever above 39.5 ℃ should pay attention to timely reduce the fever." Zhang Xinwei said that children have a strong tolerance to fever, and may still be alive and kicking at high temperatures, but high temperatures will cause damage to brain cells.

   Seizures are easy to be ignored. Loss of consciousness many times a day should be checked immediately

Most people's impression of epileptic seizures is that the whole body twitches and froths at the mouth. However, Zhang Xinwei specially reminds that these symptoms belong to grand mal, and children's seizure symptoms have their own characteristics, especially minor seizures, which are easy to be ignored. It is called absence seizure, that is, sudden loss of consciousness, and it looks like being in a daze for a few seconds. But this kind of small attack is often very frequent, as many as dozens of times a day. Therefore, if the parents find that the children suddenly stop playing, call them unresponsive, and recover after a few seconds, they suggest taking the children to the hospital immediately for examination. "Absence attacks can be easily detected by 24-hour EEG monitoring". He said that most absences can be cured before the age of 8.

In addition to absence seizures, there are also some localized seizures of children, such as a sudden withdrawal of the hand, hand discomfort, and a few minutes later. In addition, there are laughing epilepsy and abdominal pain epilepsy, which are more easily ignored. If the child always wants to vomit and has abdominal pain suddenly, but it will not take more than 5 minutes to pass, after the gastrointestinal problems are eliminated, we should pay high attention to it.

"One third of children's epilepsy can be cured, and the other two thirds are often the cause of poor brain development because of the different range of the focus. After inspection, if no obvious organic focus is found, drug control should be used first. If the drug control effect is not good, it is recommended to operate as soon as possible. If organic lesions are found and it is estimated that the lesions will not recover in the future, direct surgery is recommended. " Zhang Xinwei said. (Reporter Wu Ren, Correspondent Chen Xiaolin, You Hualing)

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