be vigilant! Newborn meningitis may be around

06:00, January 4, 2017 Rednet
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Changsha News from Rednet (Huang Hanmei, correspondent of Hong Lei, a journalist at all times) Recently, a news that "mother and daughter spent 53000 yuan to stay in the club, and the baby found meningitis four days later" spread crazily among friends and microblogs in Changsha. When netizens sympathized with the mother's misfortune, they wondered how meningitis was infected, There are also worries about whether meningitis can be cured.

   The incidence rate of neonatal meningitis is 0.2 ‰~1 ‰, which includes three sources of infection: prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum

In response to the problem of how newborn infants infected with meningitis, Li Chao, director of pediatrics at Changsha Anzhen Maternity Hospital, said that the incidence of meningitis in newborn infants was about 0.2 ‰~1 ‰, and the incidence of premature infants could be as high as 3 ‰. The clinical manifestations were not typical, and the infection routes were mainly prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum. Before delivery, the bacteria exposed to by the pregnant woman can affect the fetus through the placenta; If the pregnant mother has premature rupture of membranes, prolonged labor process, and dystocia during labor, then bacteria can contaminate amniotic fluid through rectum and vagina. Meningitis may be caused by the inhalation or ingestion of contaminated amniotic fluid when the fetus passes through the birth canal. In addition, postpartum bacteria can infiltrate into the blood circulation through the respiratory tract, umbilical cord, damaged skin and mucosa, and digestive tract before reaching the meninges.

   The clinical manifestation is not typical and should be prevented in advance

Since neonatal meningitis has no obvious incubation period and clinical manifestations are not obvious, when there are symptoms such as mental depression, anorexia, reduced crying, and unstable body temperature, it can enter a dangerous stage such as not eating, not crying, not moving, not looking good, and lethargy in a short time. Therefore, Li Chao suggested that all expectant mothers and new mothers should do a good job of infection prevention in advance. For example, the ambient temperature of newborns should be kept at about 22-24 ℃, so as to reduce the number of visits, disinfect baby appliances in time, keep warm, pay attention to navel disinfection and other aspects at the same time, and try to make babies less exposed to bacteria.

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