Baby's sudden "anorexia" is alert to hand foot mouth disease

01:07, August 15, 2016 Shenzhen Evening News
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Dandan, 3, is studying in a kindergarten in Bagualing. Since last week, Dandan has suffered from anorexia. Dandan's mother thought the food was not to her taste at first, but no matter what delicious Dandan's mother made, she seemed not interested. The restless mother hurried to take Dandan to the nearby hospital for a pediatric examination, and Dandan was diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease. The doctors who received the treatment said that they had recently received several children suffering from HFMD, and HFMD had indeed entered a high incidence period. The doctors reminded that when the baby has difficulty swallowing and refuses to eat, it may be a precursor of HFMD.

Experts said that every June, when the temperature is high, it is the season of high incidence of HFMD. HFMD is a common and frequently occurring disease of children, mainly occurring in children under 5 years old, especially children under 3 years old. Most of the symptoms are mild, with fever and rash or herpes on hands, feet, mouth and other parts as the main symptoms. A few may have aseptic meningitis, encephalitis and other complications, and some serious cases may lead to death. The infection way of the disease is that the droplets produced by throat secretions through coughing, sneezing, talking, etc. are directly transmitted from the respiratory tract to cause respiratory tract infection. It can also be indirectly infected by the digestive tract through contaminated food, clothing, patients' saliva, blister fluid, fecal contaminated hands, daily necessities, toys, etc. In hot weather, cross infection can also occur through polluted public swimming pools and medical equipment, especially among children in kindergarten.

Experts suggest that parents should develop good hygiene habits for their children to wash their hands before and after meals and when they go home. The room should be ventilated frequently, and clothes and quilts should be dried frequently. They should not drink raw water or eat raw or cold food; In addition, in schools and kindergartens, if children have symptoms such as fever and rash, parents should let them take their children home for rest or go to formal hospitals for treatment.

Experts remind that children's hand foot mouth disease is easily confused with several common diseases, such as respiratory tract infection, chickenpox, etc. Parents should pay attention to distinguish: generally, chickenpox is mainly on the head, face, chest, and back, and then spreads to the limbs; Herpetic pharyngitis: Herpes develops in the pharynx, and blisters are the size of needle eyes. If a child is infected with hand, foot and mouth disease, there will be rashes on the palm, foot, oral mucosa, perianal area and other parts. The color of the rashes is reddish purple. A few children affect limbs and buttocks, and there are few trunk cadres.

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