Attention should be paid to the treatment of epilepsy in children

15:31, June 21, 2016 Beijing News
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Beijing News (reporter Zhang Xiulan) Epilepsy, commonly known as "epilepsy, epilepsy", is a chronic brain disease caused by a variety of causes, and is also one of the most common diseases in neurology. Compared with adults, children and adolescents have a high incidence of epilepsy, and the incidence of children is about 10 times that of adults.

Professor Wang Yuping, director of the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital, said, "The seizure of epilepsy is sudden, transient and repetitive, and children may suffer from various accidental injuries and even sudden death. In addition, due to social misunderstanding and discrimination against epilepsy, children will also have autism, inferiority, cognitive impairment and other symptoms. Therefore, the timely diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy should be 'disease' and 'heart' treatment. "

"Epilepsy is not an incurable disease." Qi Xiaohong, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Xuanwu Hospital, said that clinical studies in various countries showed that 60% - 70% of newly diagnosed epilepsy patients could stop taking drugs after 2-5 years if they received standard and reasonable antiepileptic drugs.

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