Does childhood epilepsy affect IQ? How to avoid epilepsy recurrence

06:32, April 25, 2016 Family Doctor Online
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Although childhood epilepsy is a common childhood disease, it is relatively troublesome to treat it. Not only children will suffer, but also their families will suffer from this huge pressure. So many parents will ask, will childhood epilepsy affect children's IQ? Here is a detailed introduction.

Can infantile epilepsy affect IQ? Most epilepsy patients have the same intelligence as normal people, only a few patients are lower than normal people. There are many factors affecting epilepsy patients. First, it is related to the cause of epilepsy. Some epilepsy patients are accompanied by brain dysplasia, while others are congenital metabolic diseases, often accompanied by mental retardation. Different types of epilepsy have different effects on intelligence. Primary epilepsy such as absence epilepsy and benign partial epilepsy in children often have no effect on intelligence.

More than 90% of infantile spasms with this type of epilepsy have intellectual impairment. The frequency of attacks also has a certain impact on intelligence. The more frequent the attacks, the greater the incidence of mental retardation. Some studies have proved that in children with epilepsy, if the average annual attack is less than 11 times, mental retardation only accounts for 28%; Among children with epilepsy who have seizures every day, 76% have low intelligence. The age of onset is also closely related to intellectual development. The younger the age of onset, the greater the impact on intelligence.

According to the survey, more than 70% of children under one year of age suffer from mental retardation, while only 40% of children between 9 and 15 years of age suffer from mental retardation. A large number of long-term antiepileptic drugs may affect the intelligence of patients with side effects, but correct and reasonable antiepileptic treatment has little impact on intelligence. After treatment, if the onset of epilepsy in children is quickly controlled or alleviated, the development of intelligence can also be improved.

Some parents tend to take it lightly after their children have suffered from epilepsy. They think that since they have been cured, their resistance will be improved to a certain extent. However, this is not the case. If the post disease care is not in place, it is easy to make epilepsy play a role and cause epilepsy recurrence. Therefore, Parents should make preparations to avoid the recurrence of epilepsy in children at ordinary times, as follows:

  Insist on taking medicine:

When children take drugs to control epilepsy, parents should not stop taking drugs without authorization when nursing children with epilepsy, because many parents will think that drugs have side effects after all, which will hinder children's development and growth, so they will stop taking drugs for children, but this will make children's epilepsy more serious, Do you have some knowledge about how to avoid epilepsy rebound in children.

   Reasonable life:

When a child suffers from epilepsy, parents should reasonably arrange their study time, ensure adequate sleep, not eat too much food, not drink too much water, and try to avoid too much emotional fluctuation. In nursing children with epilepsy, parents should also pay attention not to let children overeat, and the diet should be limited. They should ration every day, not to eat too spicy things, not to drink coffee and eat seafood. When there are symptoms of epilepsy, they should treat epilepsy in time.

  Careful care:

When a child suffers from epilepsy, he cannot go out alone to avoid danger. Don't let them go swimming and climbing alone to avoid falling. When a child is sick, parents who care for children with epilepsy should never give their child medicine, water and food, and do not try every means to organize the child to twitch, so as to avoid fracture and other accidents when the child gets sick. Do you know how to avoid the recurrence of epilepsy in children.

  Active prevention:

When nursing children with epilepsy, parents should also do a good job in prevention. Parents should be very careful to observe and explore the law of onset. There are many reasons that can cause epilepsy in children, such as colds, overeating, fatigue, etc.

In daily life, children with epilepsy will cause considerable physical and mental damage to children. Therefore, once they get epilepsy, parents should take their children to the hospital for treatment in a timely manner. Although the diet of children with epilepsy will not be much different from that of ordinary children, there are still some points that need attention. In terms of nursing, parents should pay attention to the following:

What are the dietary precautions for children with epilepsy? Some children with epilepsy have been well controlled after taking medicine, and have not had seizures for a long time. However, when celebrating the New Year or birthday, they eat indiscriminately, which leads to seizures. What is said here is not to let the children overeat, not to say that the less the better, but to let the children eat enough at ordinary times. Drinking too much water is also a predisposing factor, and the general diet will not cause seizures.

Don't eat too salty. If you eat too much salt and drink too much water, you will have seizures. Children with epilepsy do not need to take special nutritional drugs, as long as they are not picky about food and eat a normal diet. Some people say that epilepsy cannot eat beef, mutton, seafood and other hair products, which is not scientifically based.

Children with epilepsy should have reasonable diet, supplementary nutrition and comprehensive and balanced nutrition. This is a matter for attention in epilepsy diet. At the same time, patients should avoid fatigue and ensure adequate sleep after paying attention to diet. Insufficient sleep can increase the excitability of the brain. If the normal person has insufficient sleep, EEG can also have activities similar to those of epilepsy patients. Epilepsy patients should be guaranteed sleep time. Adults should be guaranteed at least 7-9 hours of sleep every day, and children should be guaranteed at least 10 hours of sleep. This is very helpful for the prevention and treatment of epilepsy.

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