How to treat infantile eczema with moisturizer

06:30, September 27, 2016 Yangzhou Daily
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Yuan Xiaoling, Deputy Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Yangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Many parents have treated eczema in children with little effect. In fact, for most eczema, the correct use of moisturizer can produce magical effects.

Eczema is a skin allergic reaction caused by a variety of internal and external factors. To protect the skin, let's first understand the structure of the skin: one layer is the cuticle of the skin, and the other is the lipid membrane covered by the cuticle.

The child's skin is not mature, the cuticle is thin, and the cortex secretes less. Allergic substances can easily irritate the skin, making it unable to maintain skin moisture, thus damaging the skin's barrier function. Extensive application of moisturizer can supplement lipid membrane, enhance skin barrier function, reduce water loss and external irritation to skin. So applying moisturizer can also treat eczema!

   In the process of treating eczema with moisturiser, the following three principles should be followed: measuring enough, repeatedly, and massage.

In terms of dosage, for children with dry skin and specific dermatitis, it is necessary to use more than the usual amount of moisturizing, and apply a thick layer of it, because it can only work if the amount is sufficient.

In addition to sufficient amount, it needs to be applied repeatedly every day to strengthen the moisturizing strength. Generally speaking, it needs to be reapplied 3 to 4 hours a day. In other words, it is not only after taking a bath, but also after not taking a bath. In addition to the eczema area, shoulder and back, outside of limbs, waist and small buttocks also need to be smeared.

In addition to using the correct amount, you also need to learn how to apply it. If you wipe it on the brain, it is difficult to get good results. The correct application method is: form a fan-shaped surface with the palm and fingers, gently push the ointment away, gently rub and massage, so that the moisturizer can be absorbed more evenly and the child can feel more comfortable. At the same time, rubbing can also play the role of relieving itching and massage.

In addition to skin care, it can also prevent eczema recurrence by improving the living environment. Generally speaking, the room temperature in summer should be kept at 20 ℃ - 26 ℃; The room humidity shall be controlled at about 50%; It is better to control the bath water temperature at 36 ℃ - 39 ℃ for no more than 10 minutes. Generally, it is not necessary to use shower gel every day, but only once or twice a week.

In terms of diet, there is no need for strict diet restrictions. It is recommended to supplement vitamin A and B with egg yolks, beans, cereals, carrots and vegetables. Strict diet will affect nutrition intake and normal growth of children.

Because of the characteristics of eczema, doctors sometimes recommend using some hormone drugs. Some parents simply refuse to use hormone drugs for their children, believing that there are side effects. In fact, there is no need to have such concerns. On the contrary, it is clinically proved that hormone drugs are effective in the treatment of eczema. As long as under the guidance of doctors, it is safe to use a moderate amount of hormone ointment.

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