Why do children often grow "wind masses" in warm spring?

08:16, April 5, 2016 Yangcheng Evening News micro-blog
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Interviewed expert/Xi Liyan, professor of dermatology at Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat sen University

In the warm spring, the number of pediatric patients in outpatient and emergency department of dermatology is gradually increasing. Xi Liyan, a professor of dermatology at Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat sen University, said that more than half of the children came from urticaria. They had a lot of wheals, swollen and itchy. Many children even recurred many times, which left parents confused and confused about what the children had caused. Why are so many children "hit" at this time? How to prevent? We invite experts to make in-depth analysis to keep children away from urticaria.

   Cause: mainly allergy and infection

Urticaria, commonly known as "wind mass", is a common allergic disease in outpatient and emergency department of dermatology. Xi Liyan said that about 25% - 30% of ordinary people have had urticaria at least once in their lives. Because the skin of children is thin and tender, the erythema and edema of "wind mass" are more obvious, and the itching is also more serious. Therefore, children always cry when they are attacked, which makes parents in a hurry.

Most children with urticaria are acute urticaria. The onset is usually sudden, and the skin is unusually itchy. With itching and scratching, red or pale rubella patches of different sizes and shapes quickly appear; Some of them are ring shaped, or they can be fused into large pieces, which will disappear quickly in about 10 minutes to a few hours without leaving any trace. Most of the children have no other discomfort except for the itchy skin. A few of the children suffer from visceral involvement and have discomfort such as fever, headache, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. In severe cases, they may have shock symptoms such as pale face, dyspnea, and decreased blood pressure.

What exactly causes urticaria? Xi Liyan introduced that although the causes of urticaria are complex, drugs, food (food additives), inhalations, infections, insect bites, cold and heat, mechanical stimulation and other physical and mental factors may be the causes of urticaria. However, there are two main causes related to urticaria in children: allergy and infection.

(1) One of the most common allergies

Xi Liyan pointed out that different age groups have different diets that cause urticaria. For example, infants are mainly fed with breast milk, milk and dairy products, and the causes of urticaria are mostly related to the additives of milk and dairy products. As children grow older, they begin to increase complementary foods, among which eggs, meat floss, fish floss, fruit juice, vegetables and fruits can all be the cause of allergies. Preschool and school-age children like to eat snacks. There are many kinds of snacks and dinner foods, so the chances of food allergy are increased. Such as nuts, fish, crabs, shrimp, peanuts, eggs, strawberries, apples, plums, citrus, various cold drinks, chocolate, etc. may all be the cause of food allergy.

Secondly, various pollens, animal hair and dander, insect bites and other factors are also easy to cause urticaria in children. Especially in spring, all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants come and go with frequent activities, while children lack self-control and like to play outdoors, outdoors, under trees and street lamps in the evening. They are often vulnerable to insect bites or contact with pollen, dust, mites and other allergens. Therefore, this season, there are many children with urticaria.

(2) The second most common infection

Infection is also an important cause of urticaria in children. The main sources of infection include bacteria, viruses and parasites. Due to the low resistance of children in childhood and early childhood, they are particularly prone to various infections. Therefore, diseases such as purulent tonsillitis, pharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infection and so on can be the inducing factors of urticaria all year round.

   Prevention: enhance immunity

The onset of urticaria in children is mostly transient and related to immunity. Usually, it can return to normal after the immunity is strengthened, but some will continue to recur.

It is also very important for nursing children with urticaria. Don't let children scratch the affected part with their hands to avoid the itching; Eat less or no spicy and seafood food; Pay attention to household hygiene, prevent insects and mites. When going out, children should avoid contacting pollen substances, and avoid activities at the bottom of trees, grass and other places; At the same time, ensure adequate sleep and strengthen physical exercise to enhance the immunity of the body. The body has strong immunity and can also prevent urticaria by avoiding infection.


   Treatment of urticaria in children

For the treatment of urticaria in children, experts pointed out that the first thing to do is to identify allergens (mainly through children's serum allergen test) or infections, actively avoid allergens or eliminate infections, and cooperate with anti allergic treatment. Generally, oral antihistamines, such as Fubiting, diphenhydramine syrup, ketotifen, etc., and topical anti allergy and anti itching ointment are used. In serious cases, glucocorticoids can be used for a short time according to the doctor's advice. Article/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Chen Yingping Correspondent Wang Haifang

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