Don't take medicine indiscriminately for a cold. Correct nursing is the most effective

06:30, December 8, 2016 Sina parenting
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The sudden drop of solar term and temperature in winter is the time when babies are most likely to catch cold. How can I prevent my baby from catching a cold? How should parents take care of the baby's cold symptoms such as fever and runny nose?

   Don't use drugs arbitrarily after a child has a cold

More than 90% of children's colds belong to viral infection, which is self limiting. When you have a cold, if you do not have fever, upper respiratory tract infection, sneezing, coughing, and are in good mental state, you do not need to see a doctor. You just need to drink more water at home, have more rest, and eat a light and balanced diet. Generally, you will get better in 3-5 days. Local nursing and treatment can be taken for infants with simple cold symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose. For example, apply hot towel to the nose and spray normal saline to the nose. If the child has not recovered from a cold for more than a week, or has fever, upper respiratory tract infection and other symptoms, he should go to the hospital immediately.

In addition, parents should also be reminded not to abuse antibiotics for their children at home. The vast majority of colds are caused by virus infection. At this time, taking antibiotics is ineffective, and may cause bacterial resistance or cause adverse drug reactions. Do not abuse antipyretics either. Generally, antipyretics can only be used when the body temperature is higher than 38.5 ℃.

   Home care principles for colds

1. Eating liquid food

After the baby has a cold, the digestive ability of his stomach and intestines decreases, and many foods will increase the burden of his stomach and intestines. Therefore, when the baby has a cold, the food should be mainly liquid, and can be paired with drinks such as vitamin rich juice.

2. Eat less and eat more

After the baby has a cold, the mother should not force the baby to eat, which will lead to the baby's gastrointestinal overload. The mother can increase the number of times the baby eats, and do not force the baby to eat very full every time.

3. Nutritional balance

After the baby has a cold, the mother should pay attention to the reasonable combination of nutrition instead of making a big supplement to increase the baby's nutrition. On the premise that baby food is mainly light, it is appropriate to add some nutritious fish, meat and other foods, as well as apple juice and other drinks.

4. Proper water supplement

After a cold, the baby's internal water loss is more, so the mother should pay attention to timely and appropriate supplement of water for the baby. Don't let your baby add a lot of water at one time. You can add water several times. The temperature of the water that mother prepares for her baby should not be too high. The water temperature should be between 30 ℃ and 36 ℃.

5. Give children more rest and comfort

Sleep is very important for babies. A cold causes discomfort. Babies must be easy to cry. Parents should try to distract their attention, or use some soft music to ease their emotions, help their babies fall asleep, or let them rest more, and comfort them at the same time.

6. Keep the indoor air smooth

In order to reduce the irritation of air to respiratory mucosa, keep the indoor humidity at 60% - 70%, and pay attention to opening windows for ventilation at ordinary times.

   Questions and answers of parenting experts Key words: cold and cough

   1. Ask: Six months and ten days later, I suddenly coughed without fever and runny nose. It has been serious since yesterday, and my voice is a bit hoarse. The doctor gave me the child pseudoephedrine drops, which I just took today. Do you want to add some anti-inflammatory drugs? Is there anything wrong with your voice?

   Answer expert Dr. Zhang Silai (The former pediatric director and chief physician of the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital affiliated to Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and an expert of Sina Maternity and Infant Research Institute): Most children's colds are caused by virus infection, and antibiotics cannot be used, otherwise they are abused. Drink more water for children, have a good rest, eat some food that is easy to digest, increase the humidity in the room, and pay attention to the ventilation in the room twice a day in the morning and afternoon, half an hour each time. There is no need to do too much processing, otherwise it will be gilding the lily. If the child's fever persists, cough intensifies, shortness of breath, and poor spirit, go to the hospital in time.

   2. Ask: Good teacher. Nubao is more than four years old. She works in the middle class and her sister has been seven months. After she has a sister, she often catches cold. Isolation from her sister at home will also make her sister catch cold. Moreover, the sequela of my sister's cold is runny nose, which needs to be wiped every half an hour or so, but it's normal to eat, play and work. She has been seeking medical advice. Can this situation make my sister suspend school temporarily, and will suspension have an impact? Or go to the hospital and ask the doctor?

   Answer expert Chen He (parent-child education expert, psychological consultant, columnist of parent-child magazine, licensed expert of Sina Child Care "Maternal and Infant Research Institute"): I'm afraid this is not just about asking doctors, but about how you treat two children. Since it is "after having a sister, she often catches a cold", there is a psychological factor - will she catch a cold so that she can get more care from you? While paying attention to health problems, you should review your parenting methods. Don't neglect Dabao's feelings in order to take care of Erbao.

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