Children's pneumonia has increased recently Attention: it is different from the common cold

07:38, January 18, 2018 Yangzi Evening News
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With the recent drop in temperature, the number of children seeking medical treatment for pneumonia has increased significantly. Shi Yinong, director of the Department of Pediatrics of the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangsu Province, told that pneumonia is a common disease in children. The deaths caused by pneumonia account for about 20% of the total deaths of children under 5 years of age in the world. In addition, severe pneumonia can also leave irreversible lesions in children's lungs, which should be paid enough attention.

How can parents find out that their child may have pneumonia? Director Shi Yinong said that in general, the upper respiratory tract infection can occur for several days before the onset. If the fever persists for more than three days, the cough is deepened and serious, the child's mental reaction is poor, breathing is fast, and even there is a blue mouth, flapping nose, and suffocation, pneumonia should be considered, and the patient should go to the hospital in time to be diagnosed by auscultation of professional doctors. Sometimes children's cold and pneumonia symptoms are similar, easy to confuse. When children have a cold, their mental state is better, while pneumonia often gets irritable, crying, or lethargy; Appetite is normal when catching a cold, but it decreases significantly when pneumonia occurs; When a cold occurs, the cough is generally mild, and there is no dyspnea. When pneumonia occurs, there may be shortness of breath, wheezing, and dyspnea. Infants may have blue around the mouth and flaring nose.

General nursing care for children with pneumonia needs to pay attention to that the home environment should be quiet and tidy, patient with children, make them happy, and ensure their rest; The room should be ventilated regularly and kept at a certain temperature and humidity; The diet is relatively light, so it is necessary to ensure adequate water and nutrition intake, and avoid polysaccharide, spicy, raw cold, greasy and thick food; It is also important to keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. When children have pneumonia, there is more sputum, which is easy to block the airway and affect the inhalation of gas. Parents should often hold the children up and pat their backs from bottom to top to help them discharge sputum. Children with severe pneumonia and high-risk factors need to be hospitalized. Zhu Xiaolin and Yang Yan

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