The child's illness dragged on to severe pneumonia in a week. The cold and pneumonia were just a few steps away

06:30, December 13, 2017 Health Times
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Recently, some media reported that a 9-year-old girl in Wuhan had coughed for 5 days and was admitted to hospital with pneumonia, but her mother thought that the doctor was making a mountain out of a molehill and had developed severe pneumonia after several days at home. Experts said that children with colds who have a high fever for three or four days and have a persistent cough are likely to have pneumonia, so they must go to the hospital in time.

   Pay attention to the difference between pneumonia and cold

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a kind of atypical pneumonia. The onset of mycoplasma pneumonia is relatively hidden. At the initial stage, there is no typical respiratory symptoms, but only cough. Careless parents often think that the child has a cold, which causes the infection to last for a long time. When the condition is serious, they will see the doctor, thus making the condition complex and difficult to treat.

Chen Hui, Deputy Chief Physician of Pediatrics Department of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Hospital: Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the smallest known pathogen that can live independently between bacteria and viruses. Although Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a pathogenic microorganism, it does not have a cell wall. Therefore, antibiotics commonly used in children's bacterial infection are ineffective against Mycoplasma because the antibacterial basis of such antibiotics is to resist the formation of bacterial cell walls, Only drugs for bacterial nuclei can be used (most of them are macrocyclic lipid antibiotics, such as erythromycin, roxithromycin, azithromycin, etc.).

Since there is no lifelong immunity after mycoplasma pneumoniae infection (the general immune period is about 6 months), and there is no vaccination to prevent it at present, the main factors of infection are low autoimmunity and exposure to pathogens. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is mainly transmitted by droplets or contact. Frequent hand washing has a good preventive effect on mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Remind parents that if the child has symptoms of fatigue, sore throat, cough and other upper respiratory tract symptoms, parents should pay close attention, especially if the cough lasts for more than 10 days, they should seek medical advice in time, which is likely to be mycoplasma pneumonia.

   Prevent pneumonia infection

What needs more attention is that mycoplasma pneumonia can cause a small-scale outbreak and epidemic in schools, colleges and collective units, so citizens should be on guard. Experts said that mycoplasma pneumonia accounted for 15%~20% of children's pneumonia and 15%~50% of adult pneumonia. The people under 40 years old are the people with high incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia.


To prevent mycoplasma pneumonia, we must take more outdoor activities to strengthen our physique; Wash your hands with hand sanitizer or soap before going out and coming back and eating; When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or paper, and try to reduce the spraying of droplets around to avoid infecting others.

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