A 2-year-old boy suffers from a strange disease and only lives by eating peaches. The disease lasts until he is three or four years old

06:30, December 12, 2017 Xinhua News Agency
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It is the largest in the world. Micah Gabriel Mason Lopez, a 2-year-old boy from Canada, suffers from severe food protein enterocolitis syndrome. After eating most of the food, he will have severe allergic reactions, so he can only live by eating fresh organic peaches.

Lopez lived in Montreal with his family and was diagnosed with food protein enterocolitis syndrome at the age of 6 months. Food protein enterocolitis syndrome is a series of reactions of infants allergic to certain foods, mainly including repeated vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. The US Qiqu News website quoted Lopez's mother Caroline as saying: "When we started to feed him solid food, we fed him bananas. He vomited six times four hours after eating, and his face turned pale. I didn't know what was going on. I called 911, but the rescuers didn't know about food albuminous enterocolitis syndrome. That night, I had to hold him in my arms, and he cried and I cried." Since then, Lopez's food list has been constantly reduced. After continuous tests, his parents finally found that he would not get sick only if he ate fresh organic peaches. However, the cost of eating organic peaches throughout the year is not low.

Later, Lopez was successively diagnosed with congenital thymic agenesis and the rare 15Q13.3 microdeletion syndrome. Now, every month, parents have to take Lopez to see nine experts, and the medical burden is heavy. Although parents later found that Lopez could eat a special formula of liquid food in addition to organic peaches, the cost of this liquid food would not be included in the Canadian medical insurance system until October next year.

Lopez's parents feel overwhelmed because they still have two sons to raise. They set up a page on the crowdfunding website to raise the cost of buying organic fresh peaches and curing diseases for Lopez. At this stage, there is no specific drug to treat food protein enterocolitis syndrome, but the disease usually lasts until the age of three or four. Caroline hopes to get through this difficult time with the help of everyone. According to Xinhua News Agency

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