Why do children fall ill when they go to school? It may be lack of zinc

06:30, December 12, 2017 Surging news
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The happy three-and-a-half year old started to go to kindergarten in September this year, but in the past three months, she has had four illnesses in total, and she got sick just a few days after she went to kindergarten. The happy mother was puzzled, how could children who had never been sick at home get sick so easily when they went to kindergarten? Happy mother decided not to let her children go to kindergarten but to teach them at home. She waited until the age of primary school to go to school.

It seems that children are more likely to get sick after they go to kindergarten, which is a problem that many mothers will encounter. Children who just go to kindergarten have a high incidence of respiratory tract infections, and even recurrent respiratory tract infections. Parents need to correctly understand recurrent respiratory tract infections and carry out targeted treatment.

Cao Qing, the deputy chief physician of the Infection Department of Shanghai Children's Medical Center, pointed out that it was first related to the children's immunity. Before kindergarten, children mainly contact their parents and other direct relatives. With a small social circle, they have less contact with the source of disease and are less likely to get sick. After going to kindergarten, the children's social circle expands instantly, and the probability of illness will increase with the increase of infection sources.

It should be pointed out that it is a natural law that human beings begin to contact various viruses at the age of two or three and produce various antibodies to stimulate the activation of immune cells. If this period of time has been closely protected, it is not conducive to the establishment of the normal immune system. In the long run, it is bad for health.

"Nowadays, the number of sick children has something to do with the second child. One family has two children. Usually, one child is at school age and the other child is very young. School age children are particularly prone to carrying germs and bringing them to small children, so the infection in the family will be more than that of the previous child." Dr. Cao Qing added.

Second, it has something to do with the children's living habits and parents' care. If children do not develop a certain ability to take care of themselves before they go to kindergarten, they are likely to suffer from colds, diarrhea and other discomfort if they wear clothes and eat slowly.

Third, there is the problem of public health. Parents and teachers must pay attention to making children wash their hands frequently. Many germs are transmitted by contact, such as Norovirus and rotavirus. Frequent hand washing and disinfection are beneficial to prevent children from contracting diseases.

In addition, if the air conditioner is on in the school in winter, it is more likely to cause the spread of bacteria and viruses when the doors and windows are closed. Pathogens will also spread through the internal circulation of the air conditioner. Therefore, whether at school or at home, after the air conditioner is turned on for a period of time, you must pay attention to opening the window for ventilation at intervals. Parents should also teach children to cover their mouths with their hands when coughing or sneezing, so as not to let the virus spread widely in the air. As for the use of vinegar and air fresheners, the basic effect is not great.

It should be pointed out that many children, especially primary school students with tight academic work, would like their children to see a doctor at night and go to school during the day, which is not conducive to the recovery of disease and is likely to cause cross infection in schools. Especially for some infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, chicken pox, flu, etc., parents should let their children have a rest in isolation at home. Kindergarten administrators should remind parents to pay attention and take their children home for recuperation. If you have a common cold, you should advise your child not to go to school at the stage of fever and cough.

So when can I go back to school? Doctor Cao Qing suggested that for children with influenza, the fever should subside and all symptoms (excluding allergic cough) should disappear before they were recommended to resume school, and the isolation period should be at least 7 days. Especially in the high incidence season of influenza, influenza vaccination has a very good preventive effect. People with common cold can be properly observed for 1-2 days after the fever subsides and the spirit recovers.

Is there any way to improve immunity? Doctor Cao Qing pointed out that there is one thing that needs to be reminded. You can check the trace elements. Children who lack zinc are more likely to catch a cold. Doctors have indeed encountered that some children's resistance will increase after zinc supplementation. There are also some children with allergies whose respiratory tract is particularly vulnerable to infection, causing repeated bronchitis and pneumonia. These children are recommended to receive regular treatment, and can also take more exercise to improve lung capacity.

The other is to pay attention to the balance of diet. The immune system produces antibodies and makes immune response, which requires the participation of various nutrients. If a child is picky, anorexic, and has a single diet, he or she has a chance to gain immunity, but he or she falls short.

Also, vaccinate on time and according to the plan. Most vaccines are safe and reliable, and can effectively prevent a variety of serious infectious diseases. Surging journalist Tu Jun

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