The neck has a life killing "grapefruit". She was operated on when she was born

08:22, November 22, 2017 Information Times
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The baby who has just been born for six days has just opened his eyes and has just drunk "little satisfied" breast milk from his mother. But Xiaodou is different. She is stuck by a "grapefruit" sized lymphangioma on her neck, and even feels difficult to breathe. It is gratifying that after surgery, the "fatal grapefruit" on Xiaodou's neck was successfully removed. Shortly after the operation, Xiaodou returned to his parents' arms and returned to the normal life of "eating, drinking and sleeping" of the baby. The recovery was ideal.

   She had a lymphangioma in her womb

In August this year, when Xiaodou was eight months old in her mother's belly, she was diagnosed with a giant lymphatic malformation in her neck.

"Giant lymphatic malformation in the neck, also known as cystic hygroma, is caused by abnormal lymphatic development, which is common in infants, children and adolescents." According to Chen Yiyang, director of oral and maxillofacial surgery of Guangzhou Women and Children's Center, the incidence of lymphatic malformation is not low, one case will occur in every 2000-4000 newborns, but giant lymphatic malformation in newborns is rare.

It's not easy to own Xiaodou. Parents don't want to give up. They hope to do their best to treat it. On October 27, Xiaodou was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit immediately after she was born by cesarean section. The examination found that her neck lymphatic malformation had grown to the size of a fist.

If the child has a common small lymphangioma, which has little impact, the doctor will recommend conservative treatment and observation, and then operate when the child is older. But Xiaodou's condition is critical. The tumor has pressed the trachea, and it grows fast, making Xiaodou unable to breathe normally. Surgery to remove the tumor is imminent.

   The doctor successfully removed the tumor for the baby

Finally, the doctor determines the plan of drug treatment after surgical resection of the tumor. According to Chen Yiyang, there are a lot of facial nerves in the growth location of lymphatic malformation. Once these fine nerves are damaged in the operation, the child's expression muscles will be paralyzed, and the sequelae such as unnatural facial expression, drooling, and inability to close cross eyes will occur. Secondly, the growth of the tumor is also close to the great arteries and veins of the neck, and a little carelessness may lead to massive bleeding. However, the blood volume of newborns is not large, so the blood volume must be strictly controlled. Fortunately, the operation went well, and the tumor of Xiaodou was removed.

It is reported that the average age of children undergoing such operations nationwide is 6 months to 1 year old. It is the first case in China that Xiao Dou was successfully operated after 6 days of birth. Information Times (reporter Zhang Xiuli, correspondent Yi Min, Chen Hao)

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