A 1-month-old female baby has a "malformation" hidden in the skull base Doctor: pregnant women should do a regular prenatal examination

06:30, November 9, 2017 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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Xiaoyuanmei (not her real name), a newborn baby girl in Chenzhou, Hunan, was ill fated. When she was born, she found that there was a huge teratoma hidden in the right maxillary skull base, which could not be diagnosed and treated in many hospitals. The Guangzhou Daily all media reporter learned from Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat sen University that recently, Xiao Yuan, who had just reached the full moon, successfully and completely removed a tumor equal to one sixth of her head in Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat sen University. At present, the child's condition is stable.

   Since birth, the left and right faces are asymmetrical

Little round sister is the second baby of her parents. She just formed a "good" word with her brother. While the whole family was immersed in joy, Mr. Chen, the father, found that the two faces of the youngest daughter were not the same size, and the right cheek was more prominent than the left. As the child grew up, the situation became more and more serious. After checking in the local hospital, the parents were told that in addition to the protruding right cheek, a huge tumor could also be seen in the mouth near the pharynx cavity. The tumor was close to the skull base, which was like a bolt from the blue. The doctor said that because Xiao Yuanmei was too young, the tumor was too large and deep, and the nature of the tumor was unknown, if effective treatment was not taken in time and the tumor continued to grow, it would further oppress Xiao Yuanmei's respiratory tract and esophagus, and Xiao Yuanmei's life was at stake.

In order to save their precious daughter's life, Mr. and Mrs. Chen, with the last glimmer of hope, found Professor Chen Weiliang, Director of the Center for Craniofacial Surgery of Sun Yat sen University and Department of Stomatology of Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital of CUHK. The well-known experts from the department of stomatology, imaging, anesthesiology, pediatrics and other related departments of the hospital organized a general consultation for Xiao Yuanmei. After repeated discussions, the experts believed that the imaging data showed that the tumor boundary was still clear, and it was considered that the possibility of teratoma was high. However, the tumor is huge, located near the skull base and pharynx, close to the brain tissue, with abundant blood vessels in the head and neck, and complex cranial nerves; The little round sister is only one month old, and the operation must be performed by nasal intubation with general anesthesia, but the respiratory tract is very narrow and fragile; At the same time, the tumor compresses the respiratory tract, which makes anesthesia extremely difficult and the risk of surgery extremely high. After intense discussion, the consultants decided to finally adopt the "paramandibular median splitting path, right maxillary skull base parapharyngeal huge tumor resection".

   Splitting mandible to remove huge tumor

On October 17, 2017, after careful preoperative preparations, Xiao Yuanmei was sent to the operating room. First of all, Professor Colin Dawei, using his rich experience in general anesthesia for infants and young children for many years, successfully intubated the little round sister through the left nostril, back nostril and pharynx after many attempts.

During the operation, Professor Chen Weiliang ingeniously designed the surgical path of splitting through the middle of the mandible to fully expose the tumors at the parapharyngeal skull base. At the same time, he used an ultrasonic scalpel with hemostatic function to perform surgical dissection, and designed to protect the internal and external carotid arteries and veins as well as multiple cranial nerves. Finally, the tumor, which is one sixth the size of Xiao Yuanmei's skull, was completely removed. Immediately, the doctors closed the wound tightly, and carefully aligned and connected the child's young jaw. After three hours of hard work, the operation was successful. When seeing Xiao Yuan sister safely sent out of the operating room, Mr. Chen's family couldn't help crying and repeatedly thanked the doctor.

   Pregnant women with rare head and neck teratoma should do regular prenatal examination

According to Professor Chen Weiliang, Director of the Craniofacial Surgery Center of Sun Yat sen University and the Department of Stomatology of Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital, neonatal teratomas are common in children's tumors, often painless lumps. If the tumor is small, hidden, and without obvious symptoms, it is often found after the elderly. Once confirmed, early surgical resection is necessary to prevent further malignant change.

The Guangzhou Daily full media reporter learned that among all kinds of teratomas, teratomas that occur in the head and neck are relatively rare. Due to the special location and other reasons, the operation risk is great, so once it happens, it must be fully prepared before the operation. Chen Weiliang said that the operation requires high surgical skills of doctors and requires careful design of the operation method to remove the tumor with minimal damage and integrity.

Chen Weiliang reminded that in recent years, it has been observed that the incidence of head and neck tumors in children, especially in infants, has been increasing year by year. It is very necessary for pregnant women to have regular prenatal examinations. If a newborn tumor is found, it is necessary to go to a regular medical institution as soon as possible for standardized treatment.

Guangzhou Daily (full media reporter Ren Shanshan, correspondent Liu Wenqin, Zhou Bin)

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