How harmful is allergic disease to children

06:30, August 16, 2017 Sina parenting
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   How harmful is allergic disease to children

On the surface, allergy seems to have little impact on children's life. Even if there is pain and itching, it can be tolerated. This is just the feeling of people who occasionally have allergies or have very mild allergic symptoms, or even people who have never had allergic reactions. In fact, allergic diseases are very harmful to children's body and mind.

   (a) The harm of allergic reaction to children's body and mind

Different allergic diseases have different manifestations and different injuries to children. Minor allergies may affect the child's mood, which can be alleviated through drugs or rest. But children with severe symptoms or low tolerance to itching will feel very painful. Compared with adults, allergies do much more harm to growing children.

Psychological injury: itching, obvious redness and swelling of skin, scaling and other symptoms of allergic diseases will bring psychological pressure to children. If children's skin symptoms are laughed at and discriminated against by their classmates, they may even lead to emotional reactions such as sensitivity, lack of self-confidence, and irritability, which will seriously affect children's mental health.

Physiological damage: children suffering from allergic rhinitis may suffer from stuffy or runny nose, which affects their sleep and may affect their growth and development. In addition, if allergic rhinitis is not treated in time, it may cause acute and chronic sinusitis, and even affect children's hearing and smell in serious cases.

   (b) The best way to reduce damage is to find it early

The best way to reduce the harm of allergic diseases to children is to find them early. Generally speaking, allergic diseases do not develop to a very serious level all at once. From contact with allergens to the occurrence of allergic reactions, a certain process is required, which is clinically called anaphylactic process. If allergies are found during this period and measures are taken actively, the risk of allergic diseases in children with allergic constitution can be reduced.

——This article is excerpted from the book "Baby is not allergic and has less troubles" authorized by China Light Industry Press

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