Children's food allergy is not just itching

06:30, August 13, 2017 Sina parenting
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   Children's food allergy is not just itching

   a) Food allergy may affect a child's life

Due to various factors such as heredity and environment, some children are destined to be allergic at birth. In addition to the adverse factors of the day after tomorrow, some children will have food allergies.

From the time when children have food allergies, parents should ring the alarm bell: perhaps the growth of children in infancy will not be smooth. Once the allergic food enters the child's body, the whole body will be covered with red pimples, irritability, incessant crying, and sleep will be affected; Severe asthma, even dyspnea, or anaphylactic shock may occur, endangering life. Even if the baby passes through the infancy safely, the next allergy road will be very long.

Therefore, food allergy is a lifelong disease for some children. Early detection and blocking of food allergy can reduce the risk of other serious allergic diseases in the future, and parents should pay special attention to it.

   b) Food allergy affects children's growth and development

(1) Unbalanced diet leads to poor growth and development of children

Milk and eggs have high nutritional value. They contain nutrients necessary for children's normal growth, but they are also the main food causing allergic diseases. Children are allergic to milk and eggs, so parents have to prohibit children from eating. As a result, the lack of nutrients in children will affect their growth and development over time.

Nutritionists found that the more kinds of food that cause children's allergies, the shorter their height.

Children with food allergy not only have lower height than normal children of the same age, but also have significantly lower intakes of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin E than normal children. Children with milk allergy are more prone to calcium deficiency than normal children.

If parents actively carry out nutrition counseling, the growth and development of children will be significantly better than that of children without nutrition guidance.

Doctor Liang's key reminder

Finding food that can replace eggs, milk and other daily necessities is the top priority to ensure that children can get adequate nutrition while avoiding food allergy and meet the needs of growth and development.

(2) Gastrointestinal inflammatory reaction caused by persistent food allergy will affect children's development

Another reason for poor growth and development of children is the gastrointestinal inflammatory reaction caused by persistent food allergy, that is, repeated diarrhea. For this kind of children, although they have supplemented enough alternative food, there will still be corresponding nutritional deficiencies, because they cannot make ends meet. For allergic children with such chronic diarrhea, the better remedy in infancy is to feed amino acid formula. This kind of milk powder does not need to be hydrolyzed into amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract, so it avoids protein induced allergy and reduces intestinal inflammation. It is the final form after protein hydrolysis, so it will not cause malnutrition. As children over 1 year old grow older, milk and egg allergy will be alleviated or even disappear. If allergy still exists, it should be avoided. Allergies to seafood, nuts and other foods are often life-long and should be avoided for life. If the child is malnourished as a result, consult a nutritionist in time.

   c) Children are allergic to food and parents are under great mental pressure

Children's food allergy often brings invisible pressure to parents, which has more or less influence on their life and work. Especially after the children go to kindergarten, their parents are always worried about whether there will be food that may cause children's allergy in the kindergarten's catering. Even though the kindergarten teacher has been told which food the children are allergic to, they are still worried about whether other children will give the children free food and whether new allergic food will suddenly appear in the future.

In the action to protect children with food allergies, schools and kindergartens really need to increase their efforts, constantly communicate and exchange with parents, and develop lists of allergic food and suspected allergic food, so as to reduce the mental burden of parents and give children a safe living and learning environment.

——This article is excerpted from the book "Baby is not allergic and has less troubles" authorized by China Light Industry Press

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