Children's food allergy: how to care for parents and how to treat doctors

06:30, August 4, 2017 Sina parenting
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   a) Allergic children should supplement anti allergic food

(1) General principles of diet for allergic children

Allergic children should pay attention to balanced nutrition in their daily diet, eat less stimulating food, eat more food with anti allergic effect, and strengthen the body's defense ability. In addition to these, children who are prone to allergic reactions should also pay attention to the following points:

1 Ensure adequate protein and iron. You should eat more lean meat and animal liver in your diet.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh vegetables can supplement various vitamins and minerals. Some fruit foods can not only dispel phlegm and cough, but also strengthen the spleen, kidney and lung, and prevent allergic skin diseases.

3 Be careful to eat seafood, fatty and gas producing food. Fish, shrimp and fat are easy to help damp and produce phlegm; Gas prone foods, such as leeks and sweet potatoes, are not conducive to the promotion and reduction of lung qi, and are a threat to children who are prone to allergic respiratory diseases, so they should eat less or not.

4. It should be light and avoid irritating food. Pay attention to less contact with foods that are likely to cause allergies, or give children a "buffer" time when trying foods that are likely to cause allergies - try a small amount first, and then eat normally if there is no allergic reaction.

(2) Anti allergic food

Like many foods that can cause allergic reactions in children, there are also a number of anti allergic foods in the food world that can help the body's immune system to increase tolerance.

   b) Avoiding allergenic food is the most effective treatment

(1) Avoid eating knowledge

Baby first avoids dairy products

Once the baby is diagnosed with food allergy and the food causing the allergy has not yet been determined, parents should first let the child avoid dairy products (including milk, soy milk, goat milk and other formula milk and its products) and feed free amino acid insensitive formula powder for 2-4 weeks. If the allergy gradually improves during this period, try to restore the original dairy products after 4 weeks. If the symptom reappears, it indicates that the child is allergic to the dairy products he has previously consumed, he should continue to use free amino acid allergy free formula to feed the child until he is 1 year old. The earlier you use allergy free formula powder, the faster you can relieve allergy symptoms and reduce the risk of other allergic diseases in your child. At the same time, stop eating other food that may cause allergy.

If it is a single food allergy, the food should be completely excluded from the diet. For those with food allergy, nutritionists should give special feeding guidance to their parents.

Look for alternatives to allergic foods

Since it takes 1 to 2 years for the antibodies against these foods to disappear from the body, it is sometimes necessary to find substitutes for these foods.

Recheck once a year

Fasting allergic food for a long time may cause malnutrition or eating disorders in children, especially infants in growth and development period. After avoiding milk, the height of children with milk allergy was significantly lower than that of normal children of the same age. Therefore, in addition to a clear diagnosis of infant food allergy, it is necessary to recheck at least once a year to see if the child is still allergic to the food.

Parents should regularly measure the height of the child, closely observe the growth and development speed of the child, and can eat a small amount of food to avoid food to determine whether to continue to avoid food (except those who have serious reactions). If the child unintentionally eats the sensitized food without symptoms, it means that he has developed clinical tolerance and need not avoid eating the food in the future.

Doctor Liang's key reminder

Children with food allergy sometimes have cross allergy to other foods of the same kind. For example, 30% of children who are allergic to milk are also allergic to goat milk; Some children who are allergic to beef are also allergic to mutton. However, specific to a child, it is necessary to identify the allergic food according to the clinical symptoms and examination results, and do not put forward general requirements for avoiding food.

   c) Drugs for food allergy

Pharmacotherapy is only used in cases where food avoidance is extremely difficult or it is difficult to identify allergic foods, and allergy to a variety of foods is likely to lead to malnutrition. Antihistamines are the main drug therapy, while hormones and epinephrine can be used as the treatment of severe allergic reactions. In case of life-threatening serious reactions (blood pressure drop, shock, asthma), emergency treatment should be carried out. Drug allergy to food can only control or alleviate the occurrence of symptoms, but cannot prevent the occurrence of allergy.

(1) Common antiallergic drugs for children

(2) Adverse reactions of commonly used antiallergic drugs

(3) Parents should not change the dosage without authorization

After some allergic children take anti allergic drugs, their parents find that the effect is not obvious, and even feel that their condition is getting worse subjectively. As the child could not express, the parents mistakenly thought that the dosage was not enough, so they increased the dosage without authorization. This is very dangerous because many allergy drugs themselves can cause allergic reactions. For example, chlorphenamine, some children not only have no relief of the original allergic symptoms after taking the medicine, but also have skin itching, rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other reactions; A few children may even have abnormal blood routine examination, which may be manifested by decreased white blood cell count and platelet count. The anti allergic drugs that are easy to cause allergy include promethazine, diphenhydramine, etc.

All the above factors can lead to high plasma drug concentration in infants, thus damaging the myocardial conduction system and leading to arrhythmia. This is why some parents found that their children became irritable, flushed and crying after eating anti allergy drugs.

Children should not take an anti allergy drug for more than one month. Some parents give their children anti allergy drugs for a long time because their children are allergic, which will bring many problems: anti allergy drugs are easy to cause drug resistance. If they take them for more than one month, their efficacy will decline and they cannot play an anti allergy role; Antiallergic drugs have toxic effects. If taken for a long time, the toxic effects will accumulate, which will do great harm to children. It should be applied under the guidance of doctors.

Doctor Liang's key reminder

Do not give promethazine hydrochloride (phenergan) and other anti allergic drugs containing phenergan to children under 2 years of age, because research shows that such drugs can cause breathing difficulties. Cetirizine can be used for infants more than 6 months old, and has been proved safe and effective by clinical trials for one and a half years. It is mainly used for the treatment of infant eczema, urticaria, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and food allergy. At present, it is believed that it can be applied for a long time.

   d) Recommended anti allergy recipes

Vegetable rice paste for more than 6 months

20g carrot, 20g cabbage, 20g rapeseed, 30g baby rice flour.


  1。 Wash carrots, cabbage and rape, cut them into pieces, boil them in boiling water for about 3 minutes, and turn off the fire.

  2。 After the water cools slightly, strain out the vegetable soup, add baby rice flour and mix well.

Efficacy Carrots, cabbages and canola all contain a variety of vitamins, which can help regulate the baby's immunity and better fight allergy.

Carrot millet paste over 1 year old

Material: 30 grams millet, 20 grams carrot.


  1。 Wash millet, boil it into millet porridge, take the rice soup with less rice on the upper layer, and cool it; Peel and wash carrots, cut them into pieces and steam them.

  2。 Muddle the carrots, mix them with millet soup, and mix them well to form a paste.

——This article is excerpted from the book "Baby is not allergic and has less troubles" authorized by China Light Industry Press

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