The longer the child is, the more crooked he is? Five hand drawn drawings teach you to recognize early

06:30, June 27, 2017 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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   The incidence of scoliosis in China is 2%. Parents can check their children at home

 Figure 1 Figure 1
 Figure 2 Figure 2
 Figure 3 Figure 3
 Figure 4 Figure 4
 Figure 5 Figure 5

When finding that their children have "high and low shoulders", many parents will think that this is caused by their children's bad habits such as "sitting without posture", like carrying schoolbags on one shoulder, etc. However, there is another possibility that should not be ignored: children may suffer from the disease of scoliosis, which makes the original slim and graceful body of trees facing the wind grow more "crooked". Jiang Hui, deputy chief physician of the Department of Spine and Orthopaedics of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, reminded that parents must be alert to whether their children have scoliosis. Epidemiological survey shows that the incidence of scoliosis in China is about 2%, and some patients missed the best treatment opportunity because they failed to find scoliosis in time, resulting in disability and deformity. How to find out early? After reading these hand drawings, you will understand!

   Jiang Hui introduced that children with scoliosis have the following characteristics in appearance:

One shoulder (shoulder or scapula) and hip are higher than the other;

The legs are unequal in length;

The trunk and thorax are offset to one side.

Some patients with scoliosis may have brown plaques in the trunk or armpit, so it is necessary to be alert to scoliosis caused by neurofibromatosis;

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the changes in the fullness of children's back muscles. (See Figure 1 and Figure 2)

Parents can check their children at home as follows:

Take off your coat, stand upright and make a 90 degree bow. Keep your lower limbs straight and your hands droop naturally. If you find that your back is high and low, and your left and right sides are asymmetric, there is likely to be scoliosis. (See Figure 3)

   Experts remind:

Although there are various ways to detect scoliosis, it is still difficult for people without professional training to detect it. At the same time, scoliosis patients change rapidly in pre puberty and adolescence. During this time, children have a strong sense of privacy, so that parents cannot easily detect their body changes. In addition, the early changes may be very slight, and may not produce pain symptoms, so that treatment is ignored and delayed. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination when necessary.

The whole spine X-ray film and MRI can accurately judge the condition:

Jiang Hui said that in case of the above phenomenon or the phenomenon of suspected scoliosis that he cannot determine, he should consult a qualified spine surgeon or go to a regular hospital for medical advice. The specialist will take full spine X-ray and MRI according to the situation to make corresponding diagnosis and give treatment suggestions. (See Figure 4)

Treatment mainly includes non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment:

It is mainly determined according to the child's bone age, growth and development status, type and degree of lateral curvature, other organ functions and trunk balance. Generally speaking, the side bending below 20 ° can be observed. Children with scoliosis ranging from 20 ° to 45 ° and immature bones should consider brace treatment, which can effectively prevent the progress of scoliosis.

It should be reminded that surgical treatment should be considered when one of the following situations occurs: brace treatment cannot control the development of malformation, and the degree continues to increase; Scoliosis leads to lung function damage; Scoliosis above 45 °. (See Figure 5) (reporter Wu Ren, correspondent Li Xiaoshan)

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