Experts: Children's tuberculosis is easy to miss diagnosis and needs to be vigilant

09:54, June 4, 2017 Xinhua News Agency
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Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 1 (reporter Shuai Cai) Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital (Hunan Provincial Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Institute) recently issued a health reminder that children's tuberculosis cases are increasing, which needs to be vigilant. Experts point out that children's tuberculosis is easy to be misdiagnosed and missed because of its hidden onset and atypical symptoms.

According to Yang Yan, director of the Publicity Office of Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital, recently, the number of children with tuberculosis admitted to the hospital has increased, most of whom are primary and junior high school students.

According to Xie Changjun, deputy chief physician and vice president of Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital, BCG is the "first injection at birth", which is usually inoculated within 24 hours after the birth of a newborn. At present, the best way to prevent tuberculosis is to inoculate BCG at birth.

Xie Changjun said that BCG vaccine has a certain role in the prevention of tuberculosis. It can greatly reduce the probability of children suffering from severe tuberculosis such as miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis. However, it is not a lifelong immunity, which cannot guarantee that the vaccinators will not suffer from tuberculosis all their lives. Parents cannot take it lightly.

Xie Changjun told reporters that in addition to coughing and expectoration, children's tuberculosis symptoms can also be manifested as low fever, fatigue, night sweats, anorexia, malnutrition, swollen lymph nodes and other symptoms. Usually, it is easy to be confused with pneumonia, lymphadenitis and other diseases, resulting in missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.

Xie Changjun reminded that some children with tuberculosis have symptoms of headache, fever and vomiting, which are easy to be diagnosed as colds. If the children continue to have the above symptoms, parents should consider the possibility of tuberculosis and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. In addition, primary and secondary school students are vulnerable to infection due to their weak immunity. Therefore, regular life, balanced diet and enhanced exercise are conducive to enhancing children's resistance to tuberculosis.

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