More than ten congenital diseases were found at birth

06:30, May 29, 2017 Jinling Evening News
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On April 25, Mohammed, a "Chinese baby" from a Pakistani family, was born in Nanjing. However, little Mohammed suffered from poor breathing after birth, which is very critical. In the afternoon, little Mohammed was transferred to the Newborn Medical Center of Nanjing Children's Hospital. After systematic examination, the child was found to have more than ten congenital diseases. After treatment, he finally got better.

   There are more than ten congenital diseases at birth

More than ten kinds of congenital diseases of Little Mohammed include congenital esophageal atresia, esophagotracheal fistula, anal atresia, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal pulmonary hypertension, right hand malformation, hydronephrosis, etc. The Neonatal Medical Center of Nanjing Children's Hospital immediately invited multidisciplinary experts from Neonatal Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Anesthesiology, Nephrology, etc. for consultation. After some discussion, it was decided that the neonatal surgery should first carry out "fistulation" in the child's abdomen to solve the excretion problem, and then the cardiothoracic surgery should carry out "correction of esophageal atresia and transesophageal tracheal fistula cutting and ligation" to solve the feeding problem.

After the treatment plan was determined, the neonatal surgery immediately arranged the operation, and the "fistulation" operation was successfully completed on the day of admission. Later, little Mohammed was transferred to CCU (Cardiothoracic Surgery Intensive Care Unit) in Hexi Hospital, and Qi Jirong, chief physician of Cardiothoracic Surgery, took over.

"It is very rare for children with more than ten kinds of congenital diseases to have this kind of disease. Each kind of disease has caused '1+1>2' damage to him. Many kinds of diseases affect each other, making it difficult to treat." Director Qi Jirong said that the most difficult and urgent thing is to solve esophageal atresia, and there is a great possibility of anastomotic fistula after surgery; At the same time, the child had several heart diseases. On the eve of the operation, the cardiothoracic surgery department held another expert group meeting to minimize the risk of the operation.

   Panda blood, surgery costs... break through difficulties one by one

On the evening of April 27, little Mohammed suddenly suffered from severe respiratory failure again. We can't wait any longer. The expert group decided to operate at once! However, the blood type of Little Mohammed is a very rare type O negative blood, and there is no such blood type in the blood bank of Jiangsu Blood Center! The provincial blood center immediately contacted the surrounding blood stations and finally found a unit of panda blood in the blood stations in Anhui Province. At 12:00 on April 28, little Mohammed was pushed into the operating room for about 3 hours, and the operation was successfully completed. Qi Jirong said that the child had passed an important hurdle.

However, difficulties came one after another. Young Mohammed's father, Assad, and mother are doctoral students at Nanjing Agricultural University. The monthly subsidy of 3500 yuan is only enough to rent a house and live a daily life. They can't afford the surgery. When the doctor learned the situation, he immediately contacted the Social Development Department of the hospital and the Medical Development Assistance Foundation of Nanjing Children's Hospital to open a green channel for them. The foundation got in touch with the "Morning Star" project of the "Aiyou" fund and the "Ainiu" fund of Tuniu at the fastest speed, and finally raised more than 70% of their treatment costs. In addition, Assad's friends and teachers and students of Nanjing Agricultural University also provided help one after another, and the other 30% of the treatment costs were also quickly implemented.

"You let him live"

After the operation, little Mohammed was finally out of danger after careful treatment and care by CCU medical staff.

Little Mohammed's condition improved day by day, and he could drink milk and excrete on his own in a few days. The ward specially brought a nurse who was good at English to teach the Assads how to change the fistula tube for little Mohammed.

On May 19, various examinations showed that the child recovered well and could go home for rest. He would come back to the hospital for heart surgery five months later. Before leaving the hospital, Assad came to Qi Jirong's office with his child's birth certificate and a thank-you letter, "Thank you for letting me have this paper. It proves that my child came to the world, and it also proves that the child is a 'Chinese baby'. You let him live. Thank you.". □ Correspondent Zhang Aixuan Wu Yeqing Jinling Evening News reporter Cheng Xiao

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