Baby suffers from pneumonia, white foam comes out at the mouth

06:30, May 24, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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My son has been breast-feeding since he was born. In the past two days, the baby caught a cold in the bath, had less breast feeding, was depressed, did not have a fever, coughed slightly, and had a strange symptom, which was white bubbles at the mouth. He went to the hospital and was diagnosed with infant pneumonia. Excuse me, why did the baby spit bubbles when he got pneumonia? Li Lijun

Reader Li:

Pneumonia is very common in infants within one hundred days, and it is one of the important diseases that lead to the death of babies. It is often due to contact with adults or children suffering from colds. Due to the weak resistance of newborns, bacteria or viruses can easily spread down the respiratory tract and cause pneumonia. The main symptoms of pneumonia in this age group are reduced feeding or refusal of milk, foaming at the mouth, depression, shortness of breath, fever and mild cough. This is because the immune function of young infants is immature, their disease resistance is low, and their cough reflex is poor. Many children (especially premature infants) may not have cough symptoms when they get pneumonia. Due to poor cough reflex, sputum cannot be discharged smoothly, and white bubbles appear at the mouth to discharge sputum. It is worth paying great attention to the fact that young infants may not have fever or cough when suffering from pneumonia, which may be misdiagnosed and delay their illness.

When young mothers see the baby foaming at the mouth, do not eat or cry, they should pay attention to it. Pay attention to the breathing of the child. If it is found that his or her breathing rate is faster than 60 times per minute when he or she is quiet, accompanied by flaring of the nose and blue around the lips, which is a sign of pneumonia, you must go to a regular hospital in time for treatment.

Hunan Chenzhou Third People's Hospital Wang Xiaoheng

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