Five year old baby sneezed and his neck was crooked

06:30, May 24, 2017 Jinling Evening News
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It is common for a baby to catch a cold, but Dongdong, a 5-year-old who lives in Qinhuai District, sneezed because of a cold, which caused his neck to be crooked and unable to move. The whole person suffered from dizziness, headache and pain, but also suffered from high cervical spinal cord compression, which almost caused quadriplegia and even affected breathing. Fortunately, Dongdong's parents took him to the Massage Department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in time. The diagnosis was timely and the treatment was clear. At present, Dongdong has recovered and returned home.

   Dizziness, headache, sneeze for several days, and my neck is crooked

Dongdong is 5 years old this year and likes swimming very much. A few days ago after swimming back may be cold, some cough runny nose, dizziness and headache. Dongdong usually has poor physique. If the family wants to catch a cold, it should be OK. So they find out cold medicine and let Dongdong eat it. After eating for several days, the cough and runny nose disappeared, but Dongdong always shouted "dizziness and headache" and did not want to go to kindergarten. The family thought that Dongdong must be looking for reasons to be naughty, so they sent him to the kindergarten.

Unexpectedly, Dongdong was just sent in by his front foot, and Dongdong sneezed at the gate of the kindergarten. His neck was so crooked that he could not move. Dongdong's mother hurried to take her child to the Massage Department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for treatment.

   Atlantoaxial subluxation

   Almost life threatening

Tao Qi, the head of the Massage Department, found that Dong Dong had inflammation before catching a cold, and when he touched the Fengchi point on the right side of his neck, he felt obvious tenderness. The subsequent cervical imaging examination also showed that the joints between the first (atlas) and second (axis) segments of Dongdong's cervical spine lost normal alignment, and there was slight compression of the cervical spinal cord. This means that Dongdong is suffering from atlantoaxial subluxation, and his condition is very difficult.

"This is a rare but serious disease, which can cause compression of the medulla oblongata and the high cervical spinal cord, and in serious cases, it may also lead to paralysis of limbs, even respiratory failure and death. Due to its high disability and mortality rate, it must be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner." Director Tao immediately carried out cervical traction for Dong Dong to reposition the joints, and at the same time, let the children wear neck braces. After several treatments, Dongdong's neck has returned to normal and is clinically cured.

   The "real villain" of "crooked neck"

   It's a cold

"He didn't fall or touch it. A good child just sneezed. Why did he dislocate his joint?"

Director Tao said that the human cervical vertebra is composed of 7 vertebrae. The first cervical vertebra connecting the human body and the skull is called the atlas, which is circular in shape. The second cervical vertebra is called the axis. The joint formed with the surrounding ligaments is called the atlantoaxial joint. Because children's skeletal ligaments are not mature, ligaments are relatively loose, and neck muscles are weak, spontaneous dislocation is easy to occur in some cases. "The atlantoaxial joint is close to the pharynx. After catching a cold, the inflammation of the pharynx, especially the posterior pharyngeal wall, may affect the atlantoaxial joint, making local ligaments and joint capsules loose, leading to a further decline in the stability of the atlantoaxial joint. If the child performs head and neck movements with greater intensity at this time, such as sudden torsion or flexion, or just a sneeze with greater amplitude, it is likely to lead to the atlantoaxial joint Subluxation. "

Director Tao reminded parents that "in fact, the symptom of dizziness and headache before Dongdong was the manifestation of atlantoaxial subluxation". If children at home often have colds and fever recently, tonsillitis, dizziness and headache, and head bending to one side, attention should be paid. □ Correspondent Yan Yingjie Jinling Evening News reporter Li Hua

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