Inappropriate Massage A 10-year-old Girl Almost Has High Paraplegia

06:30, May 22, 2017 Jinling Evening News
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On Mother's Day, actress Lin Yichen told a story about her mother's stroke caused by massage accident in high school. The reporter learned from the Nanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that the hospital had received many patients with serious consequences due to improper massage, massage and acupuncture, and a 10-year-old girl almost had high paraplegia. The doctor said that not everyone is suitable for massage.

   Improper Massage May Cause Paraplegia

Dr. Zhou Wei from the Massage Department of Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital once received a 10-year-old patient. The little girl had a slight pain in her neck, so her family took her to the massage parlor nearby for massage. Unexpectedly, when the masseur dressed the little girl's head and neck, he heard a "click", the little girl screamed, and her neck could not move immediately. The father was frightened and hurried to take the child to the hospital for examination. As a result, he was diagnosed as atlantoaxial subluxation due to improper manipulation.

According to Dr. Zhou Wei, the atlantoaxial joint is the general term for the connection between the first cervical vertebra atlas and the second cervical vertebra axis, and it is on which the head can rotate freely. Once there is a problem in this part, it is not only pain and limited activity. If the spinal cord is injured, it is likely to bring serious consequences of high paraplegia.

   The more powerful the massage, the better

"Many people think that massage is health care, which is a misunderstanding. Massage is actually a treatment method of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and has strict indications and contraindications. To put it simply, not everyone is suitable for massage, and some patients will also be received in outpatient clinics. Because improper massage in external health care institutions leads to the aggravation of the disease, or even the promotion of the disease!" Liu Han, the chief physician of the Massage Department of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, said that massage is not the heavier the manipulation, the better. Too much force is not meaningful for treatment, but it is easy to form subcutaneous congestion and muscle damage, and even fracture and visceral damage. It is normal to feel pain when massaging, but it does not mean that the more pain, the more effective. Generally, patients will feel comfortable and relaxed after being massaged by a massage doctor.

   Must be prescribed by a professional doctor

According to Liu Han, those who are engaged in massage therapy in hospitals are all qualified TCM practitioners. They have at least five years of clinical knowledge of Chinese medicine and integrated traditional and western medicine in college. Many massage TCM practitioners with a graduate degree like him need to study for a longer period of time. It is normal for them to study for seven or eight years. It is quite different from those health masseurs who go on duty after several months of training and study.

TCM practitioners engaged in massage do not simply massage patients, but also prescribe massage according to the patient's examination results and related symptoms. Especially for the treatment of patients, it is necessary to go through detailed inspection and evaluation, and choose a suitable massage program. Not everyone is suitable for massage.

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Ten kinds of patients are not suitable for massage

1. Acute spinal injury with unclear diagnosis, especially those with spinal cord injury.

2. Patients with acute soft tissue injury and severe local swelling.

3. Patients with suspected or confirmed bone joint or soft tissue tumors.

4. Patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and senile osteoporosis.

5. Patients with serious heart, brain and lung diseases, especially those with severe hypertension.

6. Patients with hematopathy with bleeding tendency, especially those with thrombocytopenia.

7. Patients with local skin damage or skin diseases.

8. Women in partial menstruation and pregnancy.

9. Fracture patients.

10. Patients with mental illness who cannot cooperate with treatment.

□ Correspondent Yang Pu, Mo Yufan, reporter of Jinling Evening News Cheng Xiao

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