How to reserve emergency medicine for children?

06:30, May 19, 2017 Information Times
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Every family will basically have a commonly used small medicine box. What medicine should be put in the small medicine box? Qiu Kaifeng, Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Pharmacist of Sun Yat sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat sen University, will give you a call.

Qiu Kaifeng suggested that we store drugs according to family members, try to choose a single variety, choose a convenient drug dosage form, and store the minimum amount of drugs. If you have children at home, you can reserve some antipyretic and antitussive drugs, as well as some Chinese patent medicines for stomach strengthening and digestion; If there are elderly people at home, especially patients with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, etc., we should prepare nitroglycerin and other emergency medicines. Oral preparations, sprays and topical drugs are the preferred dosage forms of family medicine boxes, and injections are not suitable. If infants are difficult to take medicine, they can choose rectal suppository, such as antipyretic suppository. The amount of medicine stored in the medicine box must be small to avoid waste. For example, once the seal of nitroglycerin is opened, the efficacy will not be guaranteed after 3 months.

It is worth noting that traditional Chinese medicine generally has its specific indications and seasons of adaptation, and cannot be taken unchanged, for example, the common cold antipyretic granules, Yinqiao antidote tablets (pills) and Huoxiang Zhengqi pills (capsules, water). Ganmao Qingre Granule is for colds with latent heat inside the cold caused by exogenous wind, which mostly occur in winter; Yinqiao Antidote Tablets (Pills) are for colds caused by wind heat, mostly in spring; Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills (capsules, water) are mainly used for patients suffering from exogenous cold in summer and autumn, internal injury and dampness stagnation. Information Times (reporter Jiang Jun, correspondent Zhu Suying)

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