Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Pediatric Tourette Syndrome

06:30, May 18, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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Mothers often seek medical treatment for their children's strange actions, such as clearing their voice, making strange noises in their throat, winking, sucking their nose, shaking their head and shaking their brains, and are diagnosed as children's multiple tic syndrome, that is, children's tourette syndrome. The disease is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder that has been increasing in recent years.

The main manifestations of the disease are motor twitch and vocal twitch. Some of them are simple motor twitch, and some of them exist in both forms. The onset of children usually starts from blinking and winking, which is ignored by parents, and gradually develops to facial, limb, or muscle twitching in multiple parts of the body.

The chance of self recovery of the disease is low. After active treatment, the tic symptoms of most children can be alleviated and controlled within 1-6 months, but a few continue to adulthood until life. In recent years, TCM has made great progress in its etiology, pathogenesis and treatment. The etiology and pathogenesis can be summarized into the following four syndromes:

The syndrome of hyperactivity of liver and wind movement is caused by repeated colds and emotional failure. It is characterized by frequent involuntary actions such as shaking head and shrugging shoulders, squeezing eyebrows and blinking eyes, pouting, yelling, kicking legs, accompanied by irritability and bad throat.

The syndrome of phlegm fire disturbing the spirit has an acute onset, which is often caused by the liver wind stirring phlegm heat and disturbing the clearing of the orifices. It is characterized by severe twitching of the head, trunk, limbs and other parts, strange voice in the throat, irritability, and restlessness in sleep.

The syndrome of spleen deficiency and liver hyperactivity is caused by improper diet and spleen deficiency and liver hyperactivity. It is characterized by small twitching range, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, repeated unhealing, strange noises in the throat, fatigue, sallow face, and poor appetite.

The wind movement syndrome of yin deficiency is mostly caused by prolonged twitching, internal friction of yin and blood, and inflammation of deficiency fire. It is characterized by winking, shrugging and shaking head, trembling limbs, sometimes rattling, and hot hands and feet.

According to the above syndrome differentiation, the treatment was given to clear the liver and purge fire, extinguish wind and stop smoking; Clear the fire to remove phlegm, calm the panic and stop pumping; Invigorate the spleen and stomach, calm the liver and stop pumping; To strengthen the curative effect, Chinese medicines such as nourishing yin and suppressing yang, calming the wind and stopping pumping were taken orally, and assisted by ear point pressing beans and infantile massage therapy.

Hubei Xiangyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Li Li Liu Suwen

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