Some birthmarks may have hidden dangers

06:00, May 11, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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A birthmark is a color mark that appears on the skin shortly after birth. Many people think birthmarks are harmless to human health, and people even call birthmarks "angel's kiss". This is not the case. There are many kinds of birthmarks, and a few birthmarks may have hidden dangers.

The birthmark can be found at birth, or it may emerge slowly a few months after birth. Birthmarks can generally be divided into pigment type and vascular type. According to the degree of danger, they can be divided into two types. One type will not cause harm to the body, or even disappear with age, and the other type may cause harm to the body. In rare cases, they can cause complications or harm human health together with other factors.

Dark stain (wine stain) This birthmark is just a pink mark at birth. With the growth of age, the color will gradually deepen, becoming dark black or purplish red. If it grows on the eyelid, it may increase the risk of glaucoma.

Coffee milk spot is a smooth light brown spot that can be found at birth. It has light brown or dark brown color. Each piece has the same color and is very uniform, and its depth is not affected by the sun. It often occurs in the trunk, buttocks and legs. As you grow older, the shape will become larger, but this is not a big problem. If the spot area increases by more than 1/4, it may be multiple neurofibroma and pigmentation syndrome. You need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Cavernous hemangioma is a vascular malformation with low blood flow at birth, also known as venous malformation, which often occurs in the head and neck and mostly disappears after puberty. If the cavernous hemangioma collapses due to trauma or secondary infection, it may cause serious blood loss.

It is normal to have a birthmark on your body. Don't blindly take some "local methods" to treat it. If there is any abnormality, you should go to a regular hospital for inspection.

Zheng Hong, physician in charge of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Jishou City, Hunan Province

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