Adolescent Girls' Little Embarrassment Is Easily Dragged into "Big Problems"

06:00, May 10, 2017 Jinling Evening News
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Recently, with the rising temperature, more and more people come to the medical beauty department of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital to do micro plastic surgery. Many of them are underage girls who are trying to solve the "little embarrassment" of adolescence. The doctor said that adolescent girls have a strong estrogen secretion, which is particularly easy to cause some "small embarrassment" that is hard to say on the body. At this time, if parents can't pay attention in time, "small embarrassment" may become a big problem!

   When I was a child, I was 12 years old and suddenly had armpit odor

Ms. Wang's daughter Xiaoke (not her real name) is 12 years old this year. She suddenly has armpit odor, which makes her cheerful and lively become inferior and unwilling to go to school. After consulting around, Ms. Wang took Xiaoke to the medical beauty department of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital for treatment.

"After the hot weather, more and more people came to see a doctor because of armpit odor. On April 28, there were more than 10 safe injection days a day." Gao Yanli, a doctor from the Department of Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that with the advent of adolescence, girls are generally 11 or 12 years old, boys are 13 or 14 years old. Under the influence of internal secretion, armpit odor appears and gradually worsens. Girls have more armpit odor than boys, and it is hereditary.

Why didn't bromhidrosis grow up when I was young? Gao Yanli said that before puberty, because the sweat glands were not mature and had no secretion function, there would be no axillary osmidrosis. At puberty, the gonads secrete exuberantly. The structure of the sweat glands is fully developed. The number of sweat glands increases, and the sweat secreted increases. The odor of the armpit also emanates. Women's sweat glands secrete more than men's sweat glands. In addition, they are more likely to suffer from bromhidrosis due to the greater stimulation of development.

Botulinum toxin injection is an advanced method to treat axillary osmidrosis. Gao Yanli said that local injection of botulinum toxin in the armpit can achieve a good antiperspirant effect, so that bacteria no longer decompose to produce odor. It should be reminded that because injection requires technology and sterile environment, it is necessary to go to a regular hospital for treatment.

   I always cross my legs when I walk. Mother scolded me countless times

Ms. Li secretly came to the medical beauty department of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital without her daughter's knowledge. "Yesterday when the child took a bath, I didn't care to glance at it and found that the child's private parts were not quite right." Ms. Li said that several months ago she found her daughter always walked with her legs apart, for which she also severely scolded her daughter several times. On hearing this, the doctor confirmed that Ms. Li's daughter had enlarged labia minora.

Gao Yanli said that, generally speaking, hypertrophy of the labia minora can be congenital or acquired.

There are many reasons for acquired nature. Adolescent girls with hypertrophic labia minora may be affected by estrogen on the one hand, and may be related to wearing tights, walking or riding a bike, friction and compression stimulation on the other hand. However, it should be pointed out that the size or prominence of the labia minora is generally irrelevant to masturbation, because the main way of female masturbation is not to stimulate the labia minora.

Most adolescent girls are often ashamed to see a doctor when this problem occurs. They think that it is an unseen disease and suffer silently, which leads to inferiority complex. Gao Yanli said that the labial plastic surgery only needs to be carried out under local anesthesia. The surgery is less painful and safe. Generally, the suture is removed within a week after the surgery, which will not affect normal life and learning.

Gao Yanli specially reminds that there are some so-called drugs sold on the Internet at present, which are easy to cause vulval inflammation when used, and the problem will be even greater when the time comes. Parents and guardians should pay attention to seeing a doctor in a regular medical beauty agency when finding any abnormality in their children. □ Jinling Evening News reporter Cheng Xiao

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