Can an eight year old boy also get Parkinson's disease?

06:30, May 9, 2017 Jinling Evening News
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In BenQ Hospital ward, it is hard to imagine that 8-year-old Qiangqiang (not his real name) is a patient with Parkinson like disease. Now he has a bright smile and talks about his study life with medical workers vividly. "Now I can play basketball and run without any problems. It feels great." Qiangqiang said with a smile.

8 year old Qiang Qiang walked unsteadily when he was young. "When I was young, I didn't think there was any problem. I didn't expect to walk unsteadily when I grew up. I rushed forward. I didn't expect my child would suffer from Parkinson's disease. I always felt that walking would be stable as he grew older. Later, I didn't improve. We took the child everywhere to seek medical advice in order to help him cure this problem." Qiang Qiang's father said.

This year, the Qiangqiang family came to the Benji Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University through a friend's introduction. Ye Min, the director of neurology department of Qiangqiang, said that, "For Qiangqiang's condition, it can be diagnosed that he is a movement disorder in Parkinson's similar disease. Gene testing found that the child has GCH1 gene mutation, which is the disease causing gene of 'dopamine sensitive dystonia'. At present, the child has recovered well."

Ye Min explained: "If young people suffer from Parkinson's disease, if there is no clear cause such as poisoning, then genetic factors are the main pathogenic factors. Targeted gene testing can accurately find the cause of the disease for early treatment in most patients, and the effect is also obvious. If there is a confirmed Parkinson's disease patient in the immediate family, the immediate family members, especially the younger family members, also need to carry out relevant pathogenic gene testing if they have dyskinesia or limb shaking symptoms, so as to help the patient obtain the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment. " Jinling Evening News (Correspondent Li Na, reporter Li Hua)

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