Children's snoring is not a trivial matter. Serious snoring can affect intelligence

06:30, April 7, 2017 Nan Fang Daily
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Spring is sleepy and autumn is scarce. In the spring, which is known as the golden age of children's growth, the weather is warmer and warmer day by day, but the children seem to be sleepy day by day, unable to sleep for a long time, and accompanied by bursts of snoring.

Zhang Xiangmin, director of the Respiratory Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Center of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University, cautioned that parents should not think that this is because the child is sleeping soundly. If he snores while sleeping, accompanied by nasal congestion, mouth opening breathing and other symptoms, attention should be paid to it. It is likely that this is a sleep disorder disease.

   Hypertrophy of adenoid and tonsil is the common cause

Most children snore because of "hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids". Zhang Xiangmin pointed out that the typical clinical manifestation is snoring during sleep, breathing with the mouth open, and even apnea in serious cases.

Both adenoids and tonsils are lymphoid tissue. Childhood is an important stage of lymphoid tissue development, which is prone to hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Hypertrophy of adenoids and tonsils will block the respiratory tract, affect the normal breathing of children, cause the decrease of blood oxygen saturation, and then affect the development of intelligence and body.

If a child snores since childhood and always breathes with his mouth open, this will affect the child's facial development in the future. If the teeth are not arranged neatly, the mouth may protrude, resulting in a "glandular face". At the same time, such children are also prone to recurrent respiratory tract infections, causing sinusitis, etc., which may seriously affect the child's intellectual development, Such children often perform poorly in school, lose their concentration, have poor memory, and have poor grades.

   Mild snoring can be improved through lifestyle changes

In daily life, parents can judge whether children have sleep apnea by observing their sleep status after they fall asleep and recording the number of times and seconds of apnea in an hour. Or you can download a sleep monitoring software on your mobile phone to observe children's sleep.

Zhang Xiangmin said that there are many ways to improve children's snoring in daily life. The commonly used method is behavioral therapy, in other words, lifestyle change. You can improve the situation by exercising, losing weight, and sleeping on the side. Because weight gain and exercise decrease will lead to the weakening of the regulation function of the muscles of the meridian, and with fat accumulation, the airway will become narrow, Therefore, it is necessary to control diet and exercise frequently. For children with moderate or severe sleep disordered breathing, surgery is required, including adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy.

Southern Daily reporter Li Jie intern Liu Yingtong Correspondent Jian Wenyang

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